Chapter 40

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Turns out Madison and Olivia where sisters.We also had a brother Prince Logan.

"And are parents?" Madison asked.

Odessa looked away. Ryan cringed. Jagger turned pale. Ellie, Aqua, and Star stomped. Charlie looked down at his paws. Murphy hid behind his tail.

"What happened!?"I asked.

"It's to sad to talk about. You have permission to entire my thoughts."Odessa said and looked at me.

I was standing on some stairs. I looked down over the railing. Is Cole in freakin every THOUGHT! He stood infront of a man sitting on a throne. He had white blond hair and stormy blue eyes.

"I am King Glaucus of Mythisches Leben and you will NOT get my throne!"He thundered. Dad!

"I am Prince Cole and you WILL give me the throne or your wife can die!"he thundered back. The big oak doors swung open. Edward! He was fallowed by a man pushing a rolly chair in here. Strapped to it was a bundle. I looked past them to see many dead guards. The man pulled down the blanket.

"HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP ME!" The woman screamed. MOM! She had dirty blond hair. Her gray eyes a dark gray.

"Axonia! Set her FREE!" Dad yelled.

"Now that I think about it...NO!" Cole shouted. The man who braught mom in laughed displaying his forked tongue and his razor sharp teeth. Chase! Then Edward stepped forward. He put his hands infront of him and closed his eyes. Dad's hand raised up and formed an ice gun! What was he doing! Then I realized Edward was controling him. Mom's face showed utter fear.

"Glaucus... I'm so sorry... I should have paid attention." Tears welled in her eyes.

"I love you Axonia..." He wispered. BANG!

I was back in the war room. I fell to my knees. I heard ushered foot steps. I didn't even cry. I just stared at the floor. I couldn't bring myself to beleive mom was dead. Dread overwelmed me. I couldn't breath. I started to fall over. Something caught me. I looked up.

"Jagger did you know them? Anything?" I asked as he set me down.

" Your father always tried to make friends with us. The fifth region I mean. He would send messengers all the time. Cole thought it revolting and always talked father out of it. Your mother was very how should I put this...determined. When we where at war she was always there. Fighting along side your father. Vined whip in hand. Your fathers powers where ice and healing. Your mom had plants and dreaming and the reading of thoughts." He smiled a bit.

"Don't mind me asking, but what was your mother like?" I asked hopefully.

He took a deep breath."She died when I was little when so I don't remember her much. Hm...Let's see. She had blond hair. Beleive it or not instead of a color in her eyes she had images. If she was happy she would have meadows. She would always let me have extra treats from the kitchen. She always sang to me as I fell asleep. Her powers where to bring peace to others and super speed."

"What was it that..." I was cut off.

"During a war assasins came in and killed her. BAM! Just like that." He was looking at the ceiling.

"Do you know how my mother was killed?" I asked.

"All I've heard is she was killed at the hands of your father." He said solemnly.

" You want the truth?" Not waiting for an answer I kept on." Edward forced dad to kill mom."

Jagger looked down at me. I looked at him.

"I want you to have something." He said digging in his pocket.

"What?" I couldn't imagine what it could be. He pulled it out and pressed into my hand. I looked at him then at my hand. I opened my hand.

It was a necklace. Gold with a tree on it. It had little diamonds on each branch.

"Jagger it's beautiful." It really was but..."Where did you get it?"

"It was my mothers." He replied simply.

"Why did you give it to me?" I asked.

"Because I think it will help you through your troubles." He said. I looked into his swirling green eyes. Something I've started to do often.

"Thank you. I'll keep it safe." I smiled at him. He smiled back.

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