Chapter 1

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I don't own the Maximum Ride series. The true owner is James Patterson, now with that out the way, on with the  Chapter.   :3
( BTW this is not cannon )


   Fang looks at me with his beautiful coal black eyes. "Now what?" Fang asked. "I think we should wait for my wing to heal, then look for the rest of the flock." I replied. I looked back to see if the others are following us. "Hey we should get a move on. We need to find shelter. I called back to them sounding like a leader again. "We will split up into to groups - well I can't put fang or Dylan together, who knows he might try to kill him again -" I stopped in mid sentence. "Max are you OK?" Fang asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine. As I was saying we will split up Fang and I together, and Dylan and Angel. We need to find food water, and shelter. Meet back here by dark." I said trying to sound confident.

When me and Fang cane to the  edge of a jungle. " we will split up here yell for me if you find anything." I said. Fang nodded in reply. Within fifteen minutes of me walking the is rustling in the bushes behind me. "Who's there? Fang I swear if that's you will regret doing this!" I said as I turned around and went towards the noise. Dylan pops it from behind the bush and started to laugh. " Dylan didn't I tell to go look for supplies!" I said yelling at him. "I was, and for your information I found a house that we could spend a few days in." Dylan said starting to get cocky. "I will go check it when we get back with the others." I said

A few hours later the gang is on the beach where I said to meet at. "Find anything?" I asked feeling  awkward being near Dylan. "Yeah I found some coconut trees and fish." Fang said calmly. "OK good Dylan had found a house to stay in for a little bit, I haven't look at it yet so lead the way Dylan." I said turning to him.

When we got to the place it looked normal as in no alarms and no one lives in it. I walk up to the door to see if it was unlocked an to my surprise it was. When I get in there is a small kitchen to the left with a bar with bar stools on the outside of the kitchen and a family room to the right. Straight ahead there was a hallway that leads to three bedrooms and two bathrooms. One of the bedrooms had a king size bed with a light blue confiteor and midnight blue pillow cases, the next room was perfect for a little girl. It had a pink confiteor with Barbie on it  and the pillows where had the same thing on it, and the last room had a black confiteor and the pillow cases were a dark gray. "Fang and I will take the king, Angel will get Barbie, and Dylan will get the last room. Hey Fag can you go get us something to eat please." I said as my wing started hurting, and nodded with agreement then walk out. "Max are you OK?" Dylan asked with concern. "Dose it look like it!" I replied. "You don't have to be rude I was trying to help." Dylan said. "Help I don't want your help I never wanted your help, so stop helping. So we don't you leave " I said as I grabbed my wing, and without another word Dylan had left.
Please tell me what you think about it. I will go ahead and start working on the second chapter.    :3

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