Chapter 2

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  Back at the other side of the island Fang was collecting coconuts and fish for us to eat and drink. How will I get these back to the house? Fang thought, just then Fang saw Dylan fly over top of him. Fang ran back the house as fast as he could.

When he finally got there found me in the kitchen look for some pain pills. "Max what happen?" Fang asked. "Dylan got mad, because I wouldn't let him help. So we got into an argument and then he flew off." I said still in pain. "Nothing, I can't find any pain killers anywhere." I said to my self and Fang walked out bring the stuff back.

When Fang for back to where he left the food, he something out in the distance. Fang was going back to check out what it was, Dylan pops out of nowhere and kicks Fang into a tree behind him, witch knocks him to the ground and pulls a knife out of his blue jean pocket. "If I can't have her them no one can!" Dylan said in an evil tone,then runs off to find Max.

I have to get up and get to max before he dose. I have to protect her its my job after all since I'm her boyfriend.

"FANG!" He heard Max say from a distance. "FANG! PLEASE HELP ME!
A/N  Cliff hanger I will post the next chapter as soon as I can 
But for now this is Nightshade signing off for now.
                           :3  (\^/)

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