Chapter 1: Lorna C. Doss

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Most movies I have seen about monsters showed people chasing the monster away with pitch forks and torches. In my experience, people dismiss the supernatural as an animal or crazy person. No one actually believe the supernatural and paranormal are real. If someone came up to you saying aliens are invading or a werewolf is eating my boyfriend, would you believe them? Probably not.

You should. We are very real

Sometimes I question whether the supernatural are the monsters or teenagers. I really can't tell the difference. Having one foot in the supernatural world and the other in the monster world, your mind starts to melt the two together. That is when you see both as the same. The people just look different.

Okay, yes. I am supernatural. I won't tell you what I am yet because it will ruin the story. I will tell you that my name is Lorna Cheyenne Doss, I am fifteen years old, and I live in Violet Hills.

Violet Hills is a small town in Northern Montana. Forests are everywhere and has a reservation right next to it. Most of the natives don't come over into town because they think there is a curse on Violet Hills, but most of the locals don't believe it. I do.

I know there is a curse on Violet Hills. So many people die in a year that most people don't move up here anymore. I once met a tourist who came up to town specifically because of the murders.

"Some say that a serial killer lives here, but others say it is because of the curse. About a hundred years ago, when people, started settling here, there lived a witch. Legend says that this witch killed most of the teenage boys and kidnapped the girlfriends of them. Well, the fathers of the girls took the witch and burnt her at the stake. Before she died in the flame, she said that Violet Hills wasn't safe because of her daughter. The thing is, no one really understood what she meant because there wasn't a known daughter of the witch, and because she was being burned alive."

I listened to the story already knowing every detail. Everyone who lived in Violet Hills knew the story like the back of their hand. Most humans didn't believe the story, but the supernatural community knew that the there was a witch and she did have a daughter. Her name was Ariena Steinfield. I am friends with her great-granddaughter.

Tayha Steinfield.

We went to school together - Violet Hills High School - and loathed it. Going to school meant seeing Sofia Roux. She was the most popular girl in our grade, and always thought she was entitled to everything. Her two older siblings thought the same way.

Lilian Roux was the oldest. She was student body president, and wore a seven carrot diamond ring that one of her ex-boyfriend gave her. Her hair was bright red like all of her siblings, and her skin was like porcelain. However, there was a darker side to Lilian. She couldn't get pregnant. Most of the girls figured this out when teenage boys wouldn't buy condoms when they were dating her, and Lilian didn't own any birth control pills. This hurt Lilian, so she hurt others to take away the pain.

Charles Roux was the second oldest in the family. He had a new girlfriend every month and was captain of the basketball team. He never did more than twenty minutes on a project or homework. Charles had bullied my brother, Darin, but he was tougher than Charles. One thing about Charles was that he was in great need for anger-management.

Most people avoided the Roux, but seemed to almost never get away from them. They moved to Violet Hills in my eighth grade year, and no one had ever heard of them. Apparently, they were from New York and were very wealthy. No one could figure out why, but they did.


Today is the first day of my sophomore year. Many things happen, but most aren't good. Stick around and you will see how Violet Hills should have been named Crimson Hills.

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