Chapter 6: Into the Woods

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Sophia took us to the woods. Apparently, that is where her sister lead him, and tried to kill him, but something was following them so she let him go. "Lilian was going to kill him?"

"Yes. That how she gets her food. Anyways, if you don't believe me, just look into my memories." Tayha did, and it must have been so interesting from her point of view, but from mine it was really boring watching Tayha stare into Sophia's eyes.

"She's telling the truth. She followed Lilian into the woods." Sophia lead us a big dead oak tree. It was oddly black and brown with termites eating away the edges of the big whole in it. No one ever came this far into woods except for hunters. Perfect for a killing.

"I saw her come over here with him. They later down for you know what. Lilian likes to do it before eating, but that isn't important. They heard a gun shot go off, probably from a hunter, and ran off."

"How do you know that she didn't turn him then?"

"Lilian doesn't do foolish things like that. Last time she turned someone was  twenty years ago."

"But what if she did turn him?"

"I mean it could be possible. She didn't come home till midnight, now that I remember."

We all looked at each other for a second, but then heard a twig snap in the background. Soon, someone stepped out from behind the tree. It was Sam, mine twin.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I saw you talking to Sophia in the halls and then go off with her. I decided to see if you all were going crazy."

"Thanks," Sophia said sarcastically.

"What else Sam?"

"Someone attacked dad."

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