
13 3 2

September 24th

10:39 AM

Today at breakfast, Mom seemed on edge. I was calmly eating my toast with butter - the one piece of food that I could always tolerate. It was as if she was waiting for something. And I was right.

Someone rang the doorbell and Mom immediately stood up to open it. Outside stood a man that I had never - not once - seen before in my life. 

But nevertheless, he came inside our home and introduced himself as Martin. Mom was gushing all over him, and he kept grinning like he was the happiest person alive. By then, I had lost my appetite for my toast. 

"Martin and I are getting married!" 

I stared at Mom like she was a lunatic. I've never seen this guy before and now she's telling me that she's MARRYING him? I can't believe her. I looked over to my sister, who was in the middle of putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. Her spoon dropped from her hands, and started yelling profanities at Mom and then she stood up and stomped to her room.

Mom's smile never faltered. 

"Evelyn?" she had asked me. I knew she wanted me to approve. I just stared at her and left the kitchen. 

She and Martin are still having a nice breakfast downstairs. I can hear her laughing. Has she forgotten Dad already? 


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