|An Awful Aroma|

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Heya! TheAlphaPapaya here. WinterFairy and I will be alternating writing chapters, so I will write this one and she will write the next. See ya in the next chapter!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V. (2nd point of view)

Something's not right.

You knew that.

The entire pack knew it too.

It smelled..awful.

Like rotten flesh and blood.

And not the good, edible kind of flesh.


Nopity nope, nope, nope, nope.

You ran deeper into the woods, your pack following you.

Your father had told you to scout the east part of the woods while he and the Special Ops team scout the Western. You followed the disgusting smell of rotten flesh and blood, only to be found with multiple dead bodies.

You crawl closer to the dead bodies and examine them, only to find bite marks on each of their necks, and they all didn't have much blood.

You know, they didn't have any blood..at all.

You let out a deep growl and mutter something out.


Werewolves and vampires did NOT get along.

To werewolves, vampires were disgusting,vile creatures, who didn't care about the lives of humans, or any other life in general. Vampires often roamed in small groups of 2 to 3 people, and some just went solo. Werewolves were different. Werewolves valued life, and traveled in large packs, and formed alliances. Werewolves made sure not to let any humans know of the existence of them. But, on the other hand, vampires were totally different. Most vampires were sloppy and lazy, and left bodies with obvious bite marks and injuries.

"Serial Killer on the Loose!" was always on the News whenever a vampire would go out on a killing spree.

You picked up the bodies, and hid them somewhere no one would find it. You let out a loud howl, and your fellow werewolves did too.


No one answered from the Special Ops squad.

You see, when one howls in a werewolf pack, it's sort of like making sure everyone is present, or you know, ALIVE. So when the Special Ops squad didn't answer, that meant something was very, very, bad.

"I hope the vampires didn't get to them" an amateur werewolf muttered. His name was Connie Springer.

"(Y/N)! WE HAVE TO GO FIND THEM! WHAT IF THEY'RE IN DANGER?!" another amateur screamed, running off. His name was Eren Jaeger.

You grabbed him by the tail and shoved him to the ground.

"Rookie, we gotta stick together. Don't be so impulsive." you say with a low voice.

You face west, where your Dad and the Special Ops squad was.

"We should really see what happened, though!" an Elder werewolf suggested. Her name was Hanji Zoe.

You silently agree by nodding your head, and begin to sprint West.

Everything was going fine, until, you all smelled that scent again.

That awful aroma of rotten flesh and blood.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" another amateur yells towards you.

"What?" you reply.

"I'm quite hungry. Can we grab a bite real quick?"

"No, Sasha! This is an important mission! We'll grab a squirrel or something on the way back." you say irritated.

"BUT (Y/N)!" she whines again.

You ignore her this time.

As you run deeper into the woods, the disgusting aroma becomes stronger and stronger.

"I bet it's some vampire on a killing spree or something" another amateur werewolf said. His name was Armin Arlert.

"Most likely. Everyone, keep your eyes out for anything peculiar." you say.

"Hey, (Y/N)? What if it's a group of vampires?! Most of the people here are amateurs!" Oluo, a very annoying werewolf states.

"Well then, we'll slice some garlic and flick it towards them, idiot." you say sarcastically.

Oluo gives you a questioning look.


You simply roll your eyes, and continue sprinting.

You spot some blood on the dirt floor, and raise a hand towards your pack to signal to stop.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" Mikasa, a strong, yet nooby werewolf asks.

You bring the dirt to your nose, and sniff it.

You gasp out in fear, and drop the dirt to the floor.

"What is it?!" Eren asks.

"I-It's.." you stutter.

You gulp out of fear, and finally say it.

"It's werewolf blood. One of our people."

Gasps were heard, and everyone had a shocked look.

This time, you ran faster then ever before, only to find the most disturbing sight you will ever see in your life.

Your comrades in the Special Ops squad were sprawled onto the floor, blood and body parts littering the ground.

You fell to your knees, and let out an angry roar. Your eyes became yellow, and your pupils glowed red.

"WHO. DID. THIS?!" you growl in a deep voice.

Three dark figures appear behind a tree. A rather short one, with raven locks and steel blue eyes had something in his hands.

"Tch." the figure says.

He threw the item on the floor, in front of your pack, and you gasped and shrieked in fear.

You stared at the item, for a long, long time.

It was a traumatizing sight...

It was your father's head.


Sorry for the short chapter ya'll! Make sure to read WinterFairy's chapter up next.

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