|Worst Part Yet|

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heya guys, TheAlphaPapaya hereee.

Yes, i know i did the past 3 chapters but i've been so inspired to write more in this book

ye ye ye les go



Everywhere, all you felt was absolute pain.

You screamed in complete agony, writhing on the cold, stone floor. The voice in your head chanted spells, never stopping.

Your eyes glowed a blood red, and your body was a faded, pale white. Your body begin to move on its own, levitating off the ground and standing up. Your hands gripped your temples, as your mouth began to move on it's own again. All you could do was helplessly scream at yourself to stop.

Your voice changed yet again to a low, and screechy octave. The voice began to take over your body, and you could almost feel your soul trying its best to hold on. After a few minutes of complete torment, you lost full control. You were simply a spectator of your cold, lifeless shell of a body. You could only think to yourself, watching the voice in your head whom called himself "John Proctor".

All you could do was watch, as a complete stranger used you as a mere costume to do horrible things. Your mouth finally chanted one last spell, which gave John Proctor control over you.

"Hac tum praetoria nave accipere me! Corpus quiescit anima mea."

You heard your mouth chant over and over again.

"Hac tum praetoria nave accipere me! Corpus quiescit anima mea."

"Hac tum praetoria nave accipere me! Corpus quiescit anima mea!"

"Hac tum praetoria nave accipere me! Corpus quiescit anima mea!"

Your body got up, and began to stretch out.

"This is a nice body."

John states. He finally moves your body around, walking towards one of the stone walls. He outstretched your palm to the wall, muttering a spell.


The stone wall explodes, caving in. Your body cracked its knuckles before walking into the road. The building was isolated in the middle of a forest, surrounded by many trees. Your body muttered another spell.

"Mors, exitium et chao. Testor maiorum!"

All of a sudden, all the trees, grass, and living forest around you began to wilt, die, and disappear into thin air. The sight horrified you, as you could only spectate the horrible things that was happening. You began to scream, using all the power in you to resist against John Proctor's horrible spell.

John, in your body, began to laugh. He let out a shrill chuckle.

"Nice try, insolent child. You can not fight against my power! I am unstoppable!"

Ignoring his comment, you began to try to fight against him. He laughs yet again, continuing to traverse through the forest. You continued to fight and struggle, until you hear someone behind you yell out your name.


You felt John turn your head around, looking at the source of the noise, and you screamed out when you saw it.

It was Levi, Erwin, Hanji, and the rest of your pack. You began to struggle even harder now, telling John not to hurt them.

You felt John laugh, and you can see the startled looks of your friends. Your body began to slowly walk towards them, laughing in pure amusement.

"STOP! PLEASE!" your body screams. John stops in his tracks, shocked at your ability to take over a part of your body. John begins to laugh again, ignoring you.

"RUN! THIS ISN'T ME!" you scream out again. Your friends stand still, firm in the dirt. They looked at you, obviously confused. Hanji walks forward, towards you. Your body began to laugh again, cackling with John's horrible, screechy voice.

"(Y/N), it's okay! We're here to save you!" Hanji exclaims, walking towards you. You scream stop, but realize that John had taken over your mouth once again. You couldn't speak. Your body began to laugh, and lifted your hand to face Hanji. Hanji pauses, fear in her eyes at the sight of John, or you, with your hand stretched out towards her. You scream at John, just before he utters a spell.

"Remittendum!" a great force pushes Hanji back, making her fly in midair and land on the dirt ground. Everyone screams at the sight, rushing to Hanji's aid. You look over, and see that Hanji was out cold.

"(Y/N)?! WHY DID YOU--" Jean screams, but Erwin shushes him. He whispers something in his ear, but your vampire ears easily heard it.

"I don't think that's (Y/N)..Be careful."

Your body began to laugh again, stretching out another hand towards your group of friends. Just before John could utter another spell, you used all your power to scream and resist against him. You could see your body falter, pausing between the spell.

"Impudent girl! Quit struggling and watch as I kill all your friends, weakling! Do you not see just how powerful I am? I am a God compared to you!" John screams at you before laughing again.

You angrily screamed at John.

"I. AM. NOT. WEAK...!" you yell. You scream out, fighting against the spell he had on you. You could feel fire and power in your veins, as you screamed another spell.

"Ad quos eieci te, anima mea malum!!"

You could feel the soul of John begin to shatter, as your body began to scream. You fell on your knees, as you could feel John's soul slowly exit your body. A few seconds after, you fell to the floor of fatigue. Your friends rushed towards you, asking you if you were okay. You let out a sigh of relief, scanning around to see if anyone was in danger.

Everyone was here, except for one person.

You got up, with the assistance of Eren and Mikasa, looking around. Your eyes widened as you see one person, a few feet away, on their knees.


You stagger towards him, setting your hands on his shoulders. You let out a gasp as you watch his body get up, his eyes still closed.

You watch in horror as he opened his eyes, which glowed a blood red. His mouth began to move, speaking.

His voice was at a low and screechy octave. Levi began to laugh, standing up fully. He looked at you, while you were frozen on the ground, horrified and not knowing what to do.

"I must thank you, really, impudent child! At least this vessel won't fight against me every few minutes! Power! POWER! I FEEL SO MUCH POWER!" Levi screams.

"No! NO! JOHN! LET HIM GO! GET OUT OF THERE!" you scream. John lifts both of his hands towards you, readying himself for a spell. John's voice began to falter, going back to Levi's original voice.

You screamed out, telling Levi, or John, to stop.

Time seems to go by slow as Levi uttered out a spell.

Not just any spell.

The same spell you used to kill Agnes.

The spell used to kill someone.

And the worst part yet, is that someone you knew, a friend, someone that you even loved, was casting it upon you.

"Et ultra! Tu mihi summum!"


this story has gotten so confusing and inconsistent, im sorry its allmy fault

anyways, ahem nice cliffhanger, eh?

*tosses cliffhangers everywhere* SOME FOR YOU





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