|A New Life|

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Second to last chapter! WinterFairy's going to be writing the last chapter! Hope ya'll enjoy this one.


You sprinted through the familiar forest, breathing in the smell of fresh air. You remembered the past events that happened here, changing your life forever.

Losing your Dad.

Losing your Mom.

Losing Levi.

You shook those thoughts away, gritting your teeth as you frantically looked around. You finally halted to a familiar cave, a boulder standing in your path. You punched the boulder, making it crack and explode into tiny bits of dust. You looked inside the cave, to see all of your friends. They looked at you, confused first, then came rushing towards you with arms opened wide.

They all enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug, each of them yelling at you, scolding you for running away. You slowly took steps backward, looking at each of them with excited faces. Your gaze set upon Hanji, as you opened up your jacket and took out a jar of the Cure. She looked at you, tilting her head to the side.

"I found it. I found the Cure." you say. Everyone begins to scream excitedly, jumping up and down in pure cheerfulness. You slipped the Cure back into your jacket, zipping it up. Hanji gripped your hand, hurriedly rushing somewhere. Everyone followed, unsure of the destination. Everything seemed like a blur, due to the inhumane super speed you all held. Hanji finally stopped, making you bump into her.

"Hanji! Wha--" but before you could finish, you looked in front of you to see a stone grave, with the words "Rest In Peace, Levi Ackerman" you gasped, falling to your knees. Your tears dropped onto the frigid stone, as Hanji massaged your shoulders.

"I'm sorry I made you wait." you say to everyone, and the finally looking at Levi's grave. You lifted the stone grave, digging through the dirt. You finally stopped at a coffin, and opened it cautiously. What was revealed was Levi's corpse, rotten and horrible. You turned your head, not wanting to look at the sight. You saw Jean throwing up on to the grass,as Sasha and Mikasa had a hand to their mouths, their eyes as big as saucers. Eren looked scared, but still tried to hold a serious look on his face. Erwin looked at Levi, almost pitifully.

You slowly grabbed Levi's body, lifting it up and setting it on the grass. You took the jar, and cautiously grabbed a syringe from Hanji. You filled the syringe with the Cure, and looked at it. You took a deep breath, before inserting it into Levi's neck. His skin began to come back to life, going back to it's lively peach color. His lips began to turn pink, and it continued to heal his body until it looked as if in Levi was merely sleeping.

You began to sob in happiness, all your friends joining you. Levi finally took an abrupt breath, and his eyes fluttered open. You looked into his beautiful steel blue orbs, hugging him tightly and holding him close. You dropped the syringe to the grass, and Levi hugged you back.

You both paused for a moment, until Levi said something. "I love you" he croaks out. You smile, as everyone cheered in the background. You enveloped Levi into a warm kiss, before replying.

"I love you too." you say. As Levi gets up, everyone hugs him and cheers. You look at Levi. He was fully human. It was a beginning of his new life. And it was the beginning of yours. You took the syringe from the grass, it still had the contents of the Cure. You steadily held the needle to your neck, before finally emptying the contents into your blood stream. You felt the power sucked out of you, until you collapsed to the floor, and everyone surrounded you.

After a few minutes, you awoke. You felt pure, new, and unfortunately everything hurt. That's the downfall of being a human, I guess. You hugged Levi.

You were both human, and you would both live the rest of your lives together, happily, peacefully, and together.

~Time Skip

It has been 7 years. You and Levi were now 25, (minus the vampire and werewolf years) and were both out on a brunch with everyone. You picked through the buffet, setting some eggs and bacon on the plate. When you finally sat down, everyone was staring at you anxiously. You looked around. "What?"

You say. You look around, and notice everyone was staring at Levi. Levi plucked something from his jacket pocket, which seemed to be a black, velvety box. He went down on one knee, as you gasped and tears began to fall from your cheeks.

"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N), I know we have a rough past, but I love you. You were always there to save me, and I will always thank you for that. You're a strong, independent woman, considering this you might even be able to survive without me, but (F/N), I cannot survive without you. You are like my air, I can't live without you. So, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. (F/N) (M/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" he says.

You nod your head yes, saying "yes" a thousand times. He hugged you, as everyone in the restaurant began to cheer and scream for you both. He slipped a beautiful diamond ring onto your ring finger and you looked at it, glimmering in the light.

It was the beginning of your new life, together with Levi.



one more chapter! This was my last chapter writing on this book, so I would like to thank you all for the support. I will truly miss this book, I really will. I hope you all the best of life!

Thank you and arigato,


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