Can You Help?

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Amy's P.O.V

I found myself in the outskirts of Mobotropolis, tugging along a pretty large, pink Adidas tote bag filled with things I couldn't live without nor wanted to live without. I had the basics which was clothes, toothbrush and paste, shoes, deoderant, hair brush, lotion, iPhone w/ charger, first-aid kit, and money. i know it seems like a lot but I didn't know how long I was going to be out here.

Since it was getting pretty dark, I got worried. I didn't exactly have enough money for a hotel room, just enough to get myself through a few days to a week without starving. And the most wonderful thing started to happen! rain. I found the nearest place to rest at which was a small diner by the name of "Tom's Diner". I walked in and sat myself at a booth and placed my tote on the other side. Boy was I tired.

I looked at my surroundings and spotted some black and red striped quills on the booth in front of me. My heart stopped. Only one hedgehog I knew had that color scheme. "Shadow...." I whispered to myself unaware that it was loud enough for him to hear. I saw his ear twitch indicating that he definatley heard me.

"Dammnit...." i said to myself.

Shadow got up slowly and turned around for me to find an emotionless face looking at me.

"Oh, it's you, fakers girlfriend" he said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hello to you too" I mumbled."I do have a name you know".

Shadow grunted. "I am very aware of your identification Rose, I'm just not clear on why you are so far from your little village of friends" he said. I blushed scarlet red when he said my name. Well last name. "For your information, I decided to move out of town for awhile for a better life" I spoke, crossing my arms while giving a little pout. "Well I for one do not find it wise to travel in this weather" he pointed out while sliding into the opposite side of my booth.

"I just needed to get away to get better at combat, and maybe even find love...." I whispered that last part.

Shadow's ear twitches at that last part, I wonder why.

I was about to say something else but a white leopard approached us. She was wearing a baby-blue waitress dress with silky black hair down to her mid-back, a pierced ear, blue eyes and a nametag that read, 'Rocky' .

"Hello! I am Rocky and I will be your waitress for today. May I say that you two make a very cute couple! I just envy it!" she said with a cheery voice. Both me and Shadow looked at eachother with a deep blush plastered on our faces. Shadow clearly a little upset, looked at the waitress with an unpleasant look and said, "You ignorant girl, we are no where near being in a romantic relationship. Hell we don't even look right for eachother. I suggest that you.." I put my hand over his to indicate him to stop yelling at the poor girl. Rocky was shaking in fear and ran back into the kitchen.

'"Shadow! It was an honest mistake, you didn't have to act like an asshole!" I said, embarresed of what just happened.

"Well she should learn the error of her ways..." he responded while leaning his head back and crossing his arms, again.

"Well now we don't have a waitress, which means no dinner for me...." I muttered.

"If that is the case then I guess I'm off" Shadow pursued as he stood up heading for the front door. "Wait!..." I yelled after him not really knowing why I did, I didn't want him to leave just yet I guess. Shadow stood still tilting his head a little to face me not turning all the way around. "Yes Rose?" he replied waiting for an answer. "Umm, so where are you heading?" I asked shakily. "I am heading back to G.U.N., my home as of right now, why do you ask?" he said now completely turned around to me. I hesitated my answer, a little nervous to even ask.

"Do you think you could help me? You know with combat training and all? I know you don't have time for 'children' like me but I would really appreciate it..." I trailed off.

Shadow took a moment to respond. He started to look me up and down while walking around me. I felt a little uncomfortable in this situation and my face was flushed. It didn't help that I was a little wet and my clothes were clinging tightly around my body. Shadow sure was taking his time, but just as i was about to tell him off, he stopped and said, "You look pretty fit already and you look trainable, if I help you with this, you must not whine, cry, or speak of that blue idiot at all, instead you must committ, Rose". As he was saying this he got closer to me and are lips were about 3 inches away. He was staring into my eyes intensly trying to see if i had what it takes to train with him at G.U.N.. My stomach had butterflies in it and i was just staring into his red eyes.

"Y..yes, I will committ Shadow" I stuttered out. And just to make things easier, I added on, "Also, who is this Sonic you speak of?" a cocky smirk on my muzzle. Shadow looked at me with satisfaction. "Well look who learns quickly" he said. He picked me up bridal style and sped off at great speed towards G.U.N's base. Just one thing was tote bag.

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