She's Coming Back

505 16 9

6 Years Later

Current Ages


Amy: 21


Shadow:?(ultimate lifeform*immortal)

Tails: 19

Sonic P.O.V.

It's been 6 long years since I last saw Amy. In all that time, many things have happened that she has missed. Amy missed Cream's 16th birthday party on Angel Island, Tail's going-away party to go study mechanic's for 2 years, and most importantly, the creation of my new hover shoes (courtesy of Tails). But on a serious note, I really missed Ames. I hope we made the right choice of leaving her alone to live her life.

As of right now, I was on one of my runs thinking about all of this. I decided to head back to Tails workshop. When I arrived I heard screaming. It didn't sound like distressed screaming, more like excited screaming. When I walked into the living room, I found Cream jumping up and down, holding a letter, and crying. I was highly confused. Cream saw me and tackled me to the floor. She sure has gotten stronger. Her appearance changed as well. She wore knee-high orange and baby blue boots with a blue flower on the side that glowed. She wore an orange dress with frills on the bottom and a blue glowing flower necklace and sported a baby blue headband that had orange sequins. She also had a curve-ish figure but still looked innocent. Back to the violence...

"Ahhhh!" I shout clearly startled. "Cream?! Is everything okay? Why are you screaming?" I asked while rubbing my head that hurt from the fall.

"Amy's coming back! Amy's coming back!" she squeled, acting like her 11 year-old self again.

"How do you know?" I ask. Cream shoved the letter in my face and shouted, "Read it Sonic!". I looked at Tails who has changed also. He sported a mechanics belt that had a hammer, screw-driver, and pouch, he wore brown construction gloves and brown combat boots along with brown flight goggles on his forehead. He got taller and his voice got a little deeper but he was still my little bro. He just nodded his head to say 'go on, read it'. The note explained how Amy thought it was time to come back to Station Square and see everyone again and that she would be back tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. exactly. My head was racing with thoughts. Was she okay? Did she change? Where has she been? I flipped the note over and looked at the return adress.

"G.U.N. Headquaters? What the hell is she doing there?" I asked out loud. Tails shook his head and said "I don't know, I guess we will find out tomorrow". I thought on it for a minute.

"Oh isn't this just terrific?!" Cream screamed. "We need to organize a party! A welcome home party! We can have a D.J., a disco ball, and food! ooohhh what about those little cheese plates! Those are my favorite! And then we can have..." she was cut off by Tails who covered her mouth and said, "Cream, I am sure we can find something to do for Amy, but let's at least let her arrive, O.K.?" he assured. I watched them closely. Cream obviously got lost in his eyes while he was talking to her. I leaned on the kitchen door frame crossed my arms and smirked."Oh Tails, please, you might as well just take her up to your room right now and Get.It.Onnn!"

I could see that I had completly embarresed them seeing them push away from eachother and turn bright red. "Sonic, nothing even happened!" Tails whined. "Oh no it's okay, I can leave if you guys are gonna be loud" I teased. "Sonic!" Cream exlcaimed. "I think I should be leaving now...bye" she said while rushing out making no eye contact.

"What was that about?" I asked dumbfounded. Tails rubbed the temples of his head and sighed deeply. "I'm going to let you figure that out on your own, Sonic" he said as he walked up to his room still rubbing his temples.

"Ummm..okayy..Goodnight buddy!" I yelled up to him and got no response. I shrugged my shoulders and headed downstairs ro my room. I stripped down to nothing but my blue boxers and hopped into bed feeling anxious of Amy's arrival tomorrow.

The Next Day

11:59 p.m.

Amy P.O.V

My heart was beating so fast you could hear it. I don't know why I was so nervous, they were just my close friends. I hope they aren't too mad at me for leaving the way I did. Shadow was sitting next to me. I requested that he came with me for support. Shadow and I got closer over the years and I might even..."Rose!" My thoughts were interuppted by a yelling Shadow. "Huh!? What happened?" I came back from my daydreams to realize that Shadow asked me a question.

"I said, are you ready? We are 30 seconds away..." he asked whilst his eyes were closed.

"Umm...yea...I'm ready, sorry about that Shadow hehe" I stuttered. He smirked. "No problem Rose, you look really...nice by the way".

I looked over my outfit which consisted of black, pink, and white knee-high boots with a glowing heart design on the side of each boot, a black and white tube top with a black zipper on the front and a mid-way pink and black jacket. I also had black skin-tight shorts that stopped just mid-thigh and had a glowing heart on the corner. As for my hair, it was now down to my butt and I replaced the red headband with black sunglasses. I had gloves that had the fingers cut off and i was wearing eyeliner and blistex (nothing fancy). I didn't think i looked that good but appearantly Shadow did.

Shadow didn't change much, all he changed was his gloves which were now black and he had a black belt that held his G.U.N. gun (lol) along with a G.U.N. communicator in his ear. He looked hot with anything on. Little did I know, i was gawking at him and he caught me.

"Hehe...Is there a problem Rose?" he asked smirking and raising his eyebrows.

", I don't know what's going on with me! sorry again!" I rambled. "It's okay, matter-of-fact, we're here!" he said opening the car door (they drove Shadow's Lamborgini). As I stepped out the car, there they were. The first person i noticed, was a blue hedgehog.....



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