A Thousand Words- Chapter Eleven

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 Chapter Eleven-

(I wanted to put a song up with this chapter about this story coming back, the only one i could think of was this one, haha, enjoy!)

I was sitting down in front of my vanity cleaning the make-up off of my face when my door burst open causing me to jump.

“Audrey!” Sammie yelled, scaring me half to death. I threw the make-up sponge on the table and turned around to face Sammie and Vanessa.

“Thanks for almost killing me.” I told them sarcastically with an eye roll. All of a sudden they both burst up laughing. Vanessa was actually doubled over, clutching her stomach and pointing at me.

Confused, I turned around and looked in the mirror. I blinked a few times not knowing what to look at when I finally noticed it.

Half of my face had make-up on it and the other didn't. Giggling a bit I picked up the make-up sponge to clean my face off. Once that was done I finally turned around to glare at my obnoxious best friends.

“One question, how did you guys get in my house?” I ask them crossing my arms. Sammie jumps onto my bed before answering me.

“Well, some little dog girl let me in.” she says as she tucks her legs underneath her.

“Katie used the doggy door again, didn't she.” I say rather than ask.

“Yup, we saw her and Emily playing tag out front. Then she ran over to us saying that you might be busy so she let us in.” Vanessa finally spoke up sitting on the bed along with Sammie. It seemed like they where hyper.

Well Sammie anyway. She was acting crazier than usual. Smiling I sat up from my chair and jumped onto the bed with them, wrapping my arms around them.

They both groaned and giggled, not expecting me to do that. I let go of them and sit up.

“You guys hungry?” I ask them feeling my stomach rumble just thinking about food. I needed to eat before it got dark otherwise Marty would throw a fit. Not to mention tomorrow would be the first time I began to work for Bryan.

“I'm starving! I think we should have pizza.” Sammie tells me while getting off the bed to find the pizza menu. I laugh at her retreating figure as she walks out the door and downstairs in search of a take-out menu.

“Excited about work tomorrow?” Vanessa speaks up from beside me.

Sighing I turn my head and look at her. “In all honesty I’m super nervous! What if Bryan is mean, or doesn't like me?”

“He'll love you! Most people do, well with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Hairman.” she tells me with a laugh. My hair falls in my face as I shake my head and roll my eyes at her.

“Not funny.” Sammie storms in the room with a few different take-out menus.

“I have brought the menus, now bow down to me!” she obeys us while dumping menus on the bed. I stare at her oddly for a moment before turning to Vanessa.

“What's wrong with her?”

“She had a monster after her cheerleading practice to wake her up.” Vanessa looks over to Sammie, who's sitting on the bed with the menus around her in a huge circle. “At least that's what she told me...”

Looking over to her it looks as if she had more than a monster. She's now playing some weird version of eeny meeny minne moe.

“Eena meena mina mo,

Where do all the Frenchmen go?To the East and to the West,To the bonny birdie's nest;Apples in the garden,fishes in the sea,if you want a pretty girlplease choose me!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2012 ⏰

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