Chapter R (6)

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Meaghan’s POV

“You sure you’re fine?” Louis asked me. Here we go again. Best friends acting all over protective. Louis is the worst out of them all. He is like my older brother. I do have a brother, but we never really talk to each other. But all of my best friends are considered my family.

“Yes I’ll be fine Lou!” I reassured him. Or them. Maybe everyone. They don’t like the idea of me being alone in the house for a couple of hours especially when its dark outside like right now. They are going shopping and I refuse to leave because of the strong wind. I was never a fan of storms. Thunder storms are the worst.

“You know what no! I’m staying here! The rest of you can go to the shops.” Louis said. I groaned.

“No Lou! Go with them! I’ll be fine! I’m not leaving the house! I promise!”

“Remember what happened when we first moved here? The shattered mirror and the blood? What happens when that happens again and you get a panic attack when we aren’t here?”

“Louis stop! She will call us when something is wrong. Stop acting like she’s a child! She is freaking 18!” Liam defended. Louis groaned.

“Urg fine!” He said and everyone left. I was alone. The way I wanted it to be so I can relax. I love my friends, but it’s nice to have some alone time once in a while too. I smiled and flopped on the couch. I turned on the telly and soon I fell asleep.


I jolted awake when I heard a shatter. I sat up and the telly was off. With the remote I pressed the power button hopping it will turn back on, but it didn’t. The lights in the mansion started to flicker. I grabbed my phone and held onto it. I won’t call them yet. I don’t want them to think I’m a baby cause the light are flickering. But what about the shatter? I stood up. It sounded like it came from the kitchen. So that is where I went to investigate. I gasped. Louis’s favourite tea mug was shattered on the counter. He is going to be pissed! I went closer to the counter to see it had writing on it.


Was written in black on the counter. That is when all the power of the house went off. I screamed as loud as I could. I unlocked my phone as my heartbeat picked up and thumped loudly inside my chest. I texted Taylor.


Why is everything okay? We are on our way. ~Taylor

No! The power went off making it pitch black! Louis’s favourite tea mug is now shattered and written in blood says that we are going to die! I AM SCARED! ~Meaghan

We are driving as fast as we can! Hang tight Meaghan! ~Taylor

And that is when my phone died. No more light. I am scared as fuck! No one is here. Only me.

“Leave my house!” A voice yelled. My breath hitched. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Who- who’s th- there?” I stuttered.

“Your worst nightmare!”

I gulped.

“P- please don’t hurt me!” I begged the voice.

“That deepens if you cooperate!”

“At least turn on the lights!”

That was a bad idea. I felt something hit me and shattered. I flinched. Not again! Please not again!


“Come back here you little shit!” My ‘father’ yelled at me. He pulled my hair and dragged me by my hair down the stairs. I was trying to run to my room. But that’s not going to happen. He kicked my stomach and I groaned in pain. He reached down and grabbed my ankles. I lift me up and swung me around. He made my head hit the wall lots of time before dropping me on the floor. He picked up his empty beer bottle and chucked it at me. I cried in pain as he left to go get drunk again.


“I’m sorry.” I kept on repeating. My eyes were shut tightly I didn’t even notice the power came back on. I sat there on the ground in the kitchen. Crying and shaking. Louis was right. He should’ve stayed. I heard the door open and then I felt arms wrap around me. I sniffled and recognized the scent. Cigarettes and peppermint. Zayn. I cried into his chest as he carried me to the living room. He sat down and I was on his lap.

“You’re okay! Everyone’s here now. You’re okay. Everyone is okay.” Zayn soothed rocking me gently. I closed my eyes to calm down a little. It worked, maybe a bit too much because I fell asleep.

Unknown Person’s POV

All that I was doing was causing the girl more pain. I had no idea she was already broken. I guess that is what her friends did. They helped to fix her. Now they come to live in my mansion. I’ve been doing some really bad shit. I’ve been causing the girl more pain. I had a friend who was abused just like the girl. I promised myself when I had kids, I’d never lay a finger on them or even scare anyone. But look at me now. I am dead. I scared the girl. I made her broken again. I want to help her. I am going to help her. But first I need to get her alone. That’s going to be hard because I know her friends won’t leave her side. I need to think. I need to get the girl alone in a room with me. I need to apologize and hope she will forgive me. It’s cool if she doesn’t. I don’t blame her. I just want to help her. No more scaring. Just helping.


When I first planed this story, I promised myself that there will be no more abuse by parents. But I think that this story really needed that. I have a great feeling about where this story is heading. I just hope you like it. Tell me please! I like feedback!

Oh and thanks for reading!

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