2: "Parents Are Kidnapped, Two Guys Try To Kill Me and Saved By The Irish"

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  • Dedicated to Alex Wilson

I was still creeped for the rest of the weekend. Naturally I attempted to try suppress the memory away from Flashbulb Memory status to Memory For The Shredder. But no matter how much I tried to take my mind from the nightmare, the voices just kept ringing in my ears - I was so desperate for a distraction that I actually went out shopping and I absolutely DESPISE shopping of any kind!! Which probably was the reason why my parents were looking at me funnily when I came in the late afternoon with a bunch of shopping bags with food and drink from Albert Heijn. This must have caused even more suspicion because food and drink shopping is my least favourite shopping subject. Yep, I would rather shop for clothes!

After lunch, I began studying for the tests that were starting next week. Mama came to give me one if her Talks. And when she gave me Talks, I knew instinctively I must have done something wrong or was not very good and covering up abnormal behaviour, such as going shopping.

Thus, when Mama came to Talk, I knew I had made a poop job of covering up the fact something was wrong. She sat upon the window seat of my room with a box in her hands, and when I say box I mean a really old looking medieval one with runes engraved on it that no one can read anymore.

"Is there anything we should know?" Mama said.

Wow. You're really not in the mood to beat about the bush.

"Erm . . . . . I'm not drinking or doing drugs if that's what you want to know," I asked, trying not to laugh at her serious expression; you can never take Mama seriously when she puts on her serious face because you know that she has rehearsed it before pulling it. "Or doing 'inappropriate deeds' with a guy. I scare guys remember, not date them."

True. I do not date teenage guys; for that, they're going to have to grow up and realise that us females are just as tough and powerful, if not more. And yes, I am a serious feminist.

Mama had to keep her composure - well, she was making a valiant effort at least - before answering, "We know that, sweetheart. But it almost seems as though you are; you went shopping. Valyn, your Rule Number Four is, Do Not Take Me Shopping. You violated your own rule."

Yep, they're suspicious. Wait ago, moron.

I shrug and shake my head slightly. "Mama, niets is aan de hand."

"Are you sure about that?" Mama said slyly, looking at me suspiciously and out of the corner of her eyes. I really did hate when she pulled that look; it made her look like some kind of murder detective who was questioning a suspect. And that made my lying abilities drop a fair amount.

"Yeah," I said forcefully.

Mama still wasn't buying it. "Tell me what's up."


"I'm your mother. I order you to tell me."

"Well, in that case, no!"

"Valyn, I want to know."

"Tough, I don't want you to know."

"Why not?"

"Because you'd freak out!" I practically screamed. Parents; so bloody annoying!!

"And why would I freak out?"

"Because I have been having my nightmares again!" It shot out before I could stop myself and my hands shot to my mouth, my eyes widened and my mother sat in all of her smug glory; I had realised a little too late that she had tricked me into telling her anyway! Curses!

My mother's triumphant response didn't help things. "Ha-ha! I knew it! I said it to your papa but he said it had to be a guy. Men!"

I chuckled but didn't say anything.

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