You Ready?

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"Is...Is Kaede certain this is appropriate, or even allowed?"

The tanned girl questioned aloud, laying herself onto the delicate, soft sheets of the pianist's bed.

"Aw, don't stress Angie. I'd never do something that'd put anyone in danger, and we both know that." The blonde spoke in a soothing and reassuring tone, her back turned from the other girl as she dug around in her dressers.

Rolling over in the bed with a small huff, the silvery haired girl hugged onto the pillow tightly. Uncertain on what could happen here, perhaps even feeling slightly envious of the bed getting to hold her love as she rested every night.

But that feeling quickly left when realizing how blessed she felt to even be here, laying in the bed of the one that made her heart throb. The God's have certainly blessed Angie tonight as she silently screamed into the girl's pillow, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

"Hmm? Don't tell me you started without me." Kaede teased with a small laugh, shutting her dresser as she hid something behind her.

"N-no, Angie would never!" The shorter girl sprung up from the mound of bedding quickly, frazzled hair all over the place.

"It's only a joke Honey, no need to panic." The blonde laughed, hot damn did this stir up Angie. Her laugh, her voice, her kind, mother like personality. It made the tanned girl's cheeks deepen in color, growing in warmth on her face and other places.

The islander sighed shakily, "R-right...only a joke." All this childish teasing made her feel immature compared to Kaede, but...she didn't really mind the idea of being degraded.

"Alright, so...Just tell me when you feel comfortable I guess? I-I don't wanna rush or seem forceful, I wanna make sure you're truly ready." Kaede spoke shyly as an obvious blush began to appear on her light skin.

"Kaede's too kind, thank you." The other grinned awkwardly, "But, Angie thinks s-she's ready."

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