Sleep Tight...

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The trembling bodies rested besides each other, weakly holding onto the mostly stained sheets and one another's hand.

" was that?" The reddened pianist silently spoke with her gentle smile, running a finger along her partners white strands of hair.

"It was...certainly an experience, but n-not a bad one..." The islander stifled, still taking in heavy breathes.

"I hope you're liking it, because we're not done just yet." The blonde's smile had that devious look upon it again, sending chills down the tanned girls back.

Angie's ocean gaze widened hearing the other's words, "W-what does Kaede mean? Kaede can't... Can't be serious can she?"

"You know when I'm serious Angie, and this is one of those times." She continued with a evil grin, "Now get up."

"K-Kaede...Angie...Angie can't really move her legs strongly." The artist muttered shyly, afraid this might upset the blonde in someway.

Kaede only laughed to herself, shaking her head feeling quite the opposite of upset or bothered. "Guess I'll carry you up myself huh?"

Before the smaller of the two could even say a word in protest, the pianist lifted the darker girl using as much strength as she could as of the moment.

Carrying Angie in her arms like a mother would with her child, Kaede sat herself down into the chair not far besides the bed. Setting the smaller girl down on her lap, her folds curving over the rims of Kaede's purple appendage.

"K-Kaede...what do you think you're doing?" The artist persisted, uncertainty and warmth spreading through her like wildfire. Feeling her still sensitive foldings rubbing against the length practically on their own.

"Shh...just go with it and let me do all the work okay?" The paler girl said in her soothing voice, trying her best not to stress Angie out. Without really planning so, she kissed the smaller girl's cheek, causing the two to end up in a deep kiss.

She soon broke the kiss she began, running her hands along her partners body with a flushed smile.

"Alright...there's about five modes on this thing, let's just...see how it goes?"

"O-okay..." The islander muttered weakly, she was still exhausted from their last round, she hardly thought they'd be able to do another so soon.

The pianist wrapped an arm around the tanned artist's waist, carefully moving the girl's body upwards over her own attachment. "I love you, Angie." She hummed softly in the other's ear, pulling her down on top of her appendage. Immediately the artist's insides clenched inwards, shakily uttering some noise for the pianist to hear.

"You good?" She chuckled shyly, her own face had a shade of blush as she felt her partner shaking on her.

"Just...great, mhm!" Angie forced her cheerful tone, trying her best not to sound defeated already.

"Alright...Then I'm positive you can handle this, right?" Kaede smirked, moving her hand in between the both of them, flicking the knob on her strap on. On command, the purple length began to make a muffled buzzing sound.

"A-ah!" The islander sputtered without warning, feeling her walls hum along with the buzzing dick.

This wasn't to say Kaede didn't feel anything, oh this was most definitely affecting her aswell, but she barely managed to keep her sounds intact as the vibrations hit her in sensitive places.

She was loving this, and craved more, but the pianist was more focused on breaking her partner rather than her own pleasure for now.

"...How about now?" The blonde asked again, now with her devilish grin faltering.

She didn't really await for an answer, it was more of a rhetorical question.

And with that, she decided to keep going, rocking her waist back and forth, feeling the tanned girl shuddering on her.

Another one, another setting, Kaede had plans and she was putting them in effect.

The vibrations only got stronger, far more vibrant, way more body rocking.

The blonde could no longer hide her own pleasurable sounds, feeling herself slip away into it unexpectedly. Angie was rocking herself at this point, moving her body up and down on Kaede's toy, crying in pleasure for more.

And well, Kaede didn't want to disappoint the girl. So she pulled back Angie's tanned arms with her own, moving and rocking her waist as hard and fast as she physically could. The artist screamed in pleasure, crying out the pianist's name with every powerful thrust.

Liquids ran down from the speeding blur of purple, nothing but the sensational pleasures of the vibrations flooded Angie's mind. All she could do was claw her short nails into the pianist's thighs, making the blonde wince in slight pain, but in all honesty she probably enjoyed the pain.

"K-Kaede...ah, God...Kaede, Angie c-can't!" The white haired girl cried in pleasure, rocking her own hips against the vibrating appendage on her own without even thinking on doing so.

"F-fuck, Angie...I'm g-gonna!" Kaede muttered with a hitched voice, feeling both her and the islander's insides clench immensely tight. And as if in sync, the two cried in blissful harmony, both of the ultimate's orgasms leaked all over the chair the two resided in.

Deep, heavy breaths echoed together in the now silent bedroom. The blonde being the first to open her drowsy eyes, looking around to see what was around her, looking down to see the exhausted artist below her. Feeling a gently, goofy smile crawling onto her weary face, Kaede laid back into the comfort of the stained chair. Simply saying, "I love you so much..." before drifting off to sleep.

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