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For the first time in a long time I woke up smiling

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For the first time in a long time I woke up smiling. It wasn't a smile because I was happy that my man came home, or because I had the best sex of my life the night before. It was a genuine I'm happy within myself smile.

I'll be honest, getting to this point was not easy at all. The past month I spent helping Jason recoup and recover almost set me back a couple of times, but then I thought back on the tears, fights, and disrespect. At the end of the day I had to protect my peace, and Jason wasn't worth my peace.

Looking back I had to laugh at the fact that I was so far gone. I tried thinking of times where Jason and I were happier, and seriously it ended in high school. I was holding on to hope, and hope didn't get me anywhere.

Knock knock

I jumped out of bed and ran to open the door for Amelia.

"Helloooo," I sang hugging Amelia once she stepped inside. I stepped back and rubbed her protruding belly.

"Hey," Amelia spoke eyeing me skeptically. "What's goin on with you? Your place came together nicely."

"Thanks, and I'm just in a great space right now. I don't know, I just wake up happy now and it feels great." Amelia raised her brow and stood from the couch. She wobbled to the back before returning to the living room.

"Who is he and where are you hiding him?" She asked joining me on the couch again. I laughed playfully pushing her shoulder.

"There's no he, it's just me! I'm serious."

"I'm just kidding, I'm proud of you babe. Lord knows I've been waiting for you to come to your senses, but to see you now... It's just," Amelia paused getting emotional. "I'm sorry, I'm just really fucking pregnant. I'm proud of you though, and I'm so happy for you."

"Aww," I sighed hugging Amelia.

That felt really good coming from her. I always knew how she felt about Jason, and she was the one person that witnessed me lose myself in that relationship. To hear that she's proud of me is everything.

"I'm proud too MeMe!" I wiped away a tear. "Lord knows it's not easy, but I'm doing it and I'm finally okay with letting go."

"I don't see what you wanted with his ass anyhow. I mean he's cute and all, but baby... You're Anastasia Ramirez! You were way out of his league."

"See, I didn't look at it like that. With him it wasn't about the material shit, or the money. He captured my heart with his. Things weren't always the way they are now. You know that, you were there. I was riding for Jason when his ass was rocking tall tees and beige forces. I don't know... I guess somewhere along the way he lost his way." I shrugged thinking back on the Jason I fell in love with.

"You're right about that," MeMe chuckled. "So..."

"So what Amelia?"

"Does that mean my little Zay Zay might get a shot?"

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