chapter 3

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The rain beat hard and fast on my window rolling down the glass. It was a cold and wet day. But something about today felt different..Odd. I went downstairs to find my mom and dad sitting at the table. They both had pained expressions on thier faces. " Are you guys okay?" I asked. My mom looked to me and cleared her throat as her eyes became glassy with tears. " Yes honey. Me and your dad have somewhere important to go so you and Skyie don't have to go to school. Well be back before lunch." My mom said softly. I nodded and grabbed a cup of water. I layed in bed and continued to listen to the rain. It was such a peaceful sound. I heard the slamn of the front door indicating that they left as I faded into a deep sleep.

I suddenly woke to the crash of lightning and the breaking of glass. I checked my phone,  11:37am. I pulled the covers back as I got up and went outside my room to check the house. I went to my parents bedroom and found there window open, the curtain flapping in the wind and the rain hitting the floor. I walked over and shut the window as I did I felt something sharp go into my bare feet. I yelped out in pain and cradled my foot to my chest. Glass was stuck in my foot. I checked the window for any cracks but none where there. I looked down to where the glass was and found.. a picture frame. I picked it up shaking the glass on the floor. In the picture was. My mom and dad standing next to them where two blonde little girls. They resembled my dad. And in the picture my mom was pregnant. I removed the picture from the frame and turned it over


The year I was born. I grabbed the picture and hobbled to the bathroom to clean my foot hearing the thunder roar and lighting flash outside. I quickly cleaned my foot running it under the cold water and picking out the glass. After wrapping my foot I went into my room and pulled out my laptop. When me and Skyie were little my mom made us a private email , inside was a folder of home videos and pictures from our childhood. But she wanted us to wait until we were older to open them which is why she had a password locking away our memories. I desperately typed in password after password hoping there was a video or a picture to explain the child in the photo.











I let out a frustrated sigh as I slammed the laptop shut. Suddenly Skyie bust into my door. " Okay so next weekend my friends are having a party at Crystal's cabin and me,  you and some of your friends have been invited to go. We should totally do it.." she yelled. That was exactly what I needed time away to collect my thoughts and some good times with my friends. " Yeah we can go.'" I mumbled. Skyie happily yelled and screeched as she hugged me and skipped out of my room. I heard the front door open and shoved the picture under my pillow. I ran down the stairs to greet my Mom. " Girls sit on the couch.. we need to talk." Skyie and me sat down on the couch as our parents sat on the other couch across from us. " Girls we did along today. We went alot of places. And I went to the doctor." My mom sighed. Immediately me and Skyie sat up "Is everything okay?" Skyie asked. Suddenly my mom looked down and began to cry. My father wrapped his arms around her with a smile. " Come on honey you can do this." He mumbled.  She looked up with tears falling down her cheeks and with tearful eyes said ...

                                  " I'm pregnant."

Shhh..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora