The dragons

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"Have you ever been to Westeros, Lady Relaera?"

"Once, I think. It was when I was very young. My father and my mother went briefly to scout it out, and to seem non-threatening, they took me."

"So you do not remember then?"

"No Dany. I am too old to remember it."


"And even if I did, bear in mind that this was before Aegon's Conquest. It would not have been the Westeros of today, or the Westeros Jorah told you about."

"You are, as always, correct Lady Relaera."

"I wouldn't say always, just most of the time."

Relaera looked out over the ocean where Lightbringer was flying low over the water, attempting to catch fish and failing. Drogon kept swooping in beside him and scaring all of them away. But whenever Lightbringer got angry, Drogon would just fly off, faster than Lightbringer could hope to be at their size." The sea wind, full of salty water, pushed insistently against her face.

The smell reminded her of Aeryx who'd always try to be as near the sea as possible.

Relaera closed her eyes and let the memories of her beloved wash over her.


Tiny chapter because today is my birthday and I am busy reading the books I got. Tomorrow I will update a full flashback chapter of the story between Aeryx and Relaera. Pick above is Relaera although I kind of picture as having golden eyes, since she's my special cupcake. They won't mean anything, she just has golden eyes. That is all.

Am I the only one that kind of ships Drogo and Lightbringer now?

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