Chapter 12 : Beauty and the Beast

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Eventually the bickering between Wilson and Max did dull and tensions slowly began to fade away. Wes still did not like being around Max in the least however, and no one blamed him for it. Woodie had decidedly put aside his grudges as well he could because summer had come and preparation for the winter was beginning, so that by autumn the remaining work would be scarce. Surprisingly Maxwell made a good helping hand with the use of his shadow puppets.

The nature in which their grudges toward Max were put aside when it was brought to light his relation to Wendy, who -unbeknownst to him until recently- happened to be his niece. The knowledge of this had prompted a breakdown from the man that -frankly- no one wanted to talk about, as it had been awkward for everyone, and no one quite knew how to handle it.

All that truly mattered now was that Maxwell -since the information had surfaced- was much easier to tolerate and his cockiness had been humbled.

Life was slowly beginning to seem normal for everyone, and they all coexisted peacefully.

They ate dinner together. They worked together. They helped each other. Every now and then they might bicker together. They shared stories by the campfire. They were like one big family so it seemed.

In the evenings before dusk Woodie and Wes fished in the ponds in the back foyer. Wes gave him sweet smiles and Wolfgang's words would ring in Woodie's ears. He had said that Wes fancied him, hadn't he?

The thought sent heat through him and made his heart swell. For the first time he became fully aware of the feelings he had for Wes. He understood fully now why his palms were sweaty and why he felt hot. Why his heart ached and why his cheeks burned. This was an emotion Woodie had never thought much about because he never thought he'd ever feel it.

This was what people called 'Love'.

The realization was not a frightening one. It was not something that made him run or want to hide. If anything understanding his feelings brought him some kind of comfort. His nervousness only surfaced when he realized he had no clue how to confront the other about such things.

He tried to rest easy. Right then, everything was as it should have been.

Then they heard the howls.

The hounds came in quick succession out of a hole they had dug from the outside of the wall down and up into the main yard. One after the other sprang from it and soon the camp was packed with them. Their jowls gleamed with frothy slobber that spattered on the ground as they charged the residence.

Wolfgang had grabbed up Wigifrid and tossed the redhead over his shoulder, while Wendy was lifted by Willow and the four of them disappeared out of the front gate and into the woods. Wilson and Wickerbottom were running through the camp, calling out for Webber who -along with Max- was nowhere to be found.

Woodie had gripped a mortified Wes by the wrist and dragged him quickly to the front gate. Wes tried to struggle free and run for their cabin. He remembered the damage done to all their materials, the damage done to their home back in the field, if he could save anything for the winter he had to. Woodie only pulled him tighter.

"Leave it! We'll make due, come on they're coming."

This seemed to snap Wes from his hysteria and he nodded his head in quick agreement. Though Wes followed Woodie quickly the lumberjack never let go of his wrist, ensuring that they would not become separated as they had the last time they ran from the vicious mutts.

Woodie ran until they found a large boulder to crouch behind. He lay Lucy over his lap and fumbled quickly to pluck some grass. He looked then to Wes.

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