Chosen for Power: Part 1

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Ruby's POV

I heard somebody knocking on my bedroom door. I assumed it was Zianna wanting to talk again. But then again, I WAS gone for three days without a single word to her, Garte, the Lord, or Garroth, my older brother. I set down my sketchpad with a sigh and opened the door. It was, in fact, Zianna. "Ruby, I wanted to talk to you about something," she said with the same sweetness she always had. I didn't say anything, and just rubbed my eyes. I didn't get enough sleep last night and relatively, I wasn't in the mood. I couldn't help but think about what Gene said about the Shadow Lord's return. There's no way he could return. Right? I've been wrong before. I was just hoping that I was right for once in a long time.

"Look, your father is concerned about you and Garroth. Going into the woods at night to fight dark creatures! He's worried about the both of you." I stayed quiet and just shook my head, and then said, "It's better to know how to defend myself than sit around, doing nothing. Dad doesn't like to admit it, but he needs help. He needs strong fighters who can defend O'Khasis during its time of need." Zizi stood there for a second and sighed. "Well, I know that I can't stop you or Garroth. And that you want what's best for our town. But promise me that you'll both be careful. And that you both won't leave by yourselves after dark." I pondered this and figured that we couldn't break a promise with Zizi. She's super nice! Nobody can't help but love her. "I promise, Zizi. I won't go by myself." She seemed satisfied after that.

She turned around when somebody knocked on the door AND the window. I looked at the window and saw Adam grinning at me. "Zizi, can you get the door?" She nodded and opened the door, which had Garroth behind it. I opened the window and Adam hopped inside. "Come on, Ruby, let's go!! Oh, Hi, Ms Ro'Meave." She smiled and said, "Hello , Adam. It's nice to meet you!" "Mom, we'll be back in an hour or two," Garroth said. I grabbed my backpack, sketchpad, and sword. And we headed out the door.


Garroth, Adam, and I stood back to back. Monsters and some demons stood around us. That's when we attacked. I cut down several demons in one swing, Adam dispatched three killer plants, and Garroth engaged a troll in a fight. We're getting better at this!

As I turned to fight another three demons, they and the monsters disappeared in a flash of white light. Adam and Garroth looked at me in confusion. I shrugged and looked at my feet. I saw a small white and light blue box sitting just three inches from my toes. I saw Garroth pick up a similar box, but it was painted royal blue. Adam looked so confused and opened his box, which was painted yellow and black. Garroth and I followed suit. I found a silver and light blue locket, a note, and map inside. I held it up so I could see it better. There was a small inscription in Latin. It said, "Et Magia, et vincere tenebras," which I translated to, "The Magic will overcome darkness." I looked at Garroth, who was holding a simple stained glass bracelet. Adam had a purple and yellow amulet in the box he had.

I looked back at the box in my hands and picked up the note. It said this:

Dear Ruby,

This locket is a gift to you as a member of the Nine Riders. This locket will unlock your special abilities or power. Without it, your power isn't as strong. But don't underestimate yourself. You've stronger than you think.

This note won't be seen with anybody else. This note is partly an apology. It's unfortunate to say that you've been betrayed a close friend. They have been convinced that we are their enemies. If you see them, you can't hesitate, otherwise it can lead to our downfall. And until all of this settles out, you have to stay away from your family. Trust nobody except yourself and the other Nine Riders. The rest will be explained later.

Ruby, you are the Nine of Magic. Follow the map to a house in the woods, where you will meet the other Nine Riders. Good luck, young Nine of Magic.

-The Divine

I put the note back in the box and looked at the locket again. I opened it and saw the small pictures. On the left, it showed a boy and girl well in their teens. On the right, it showed me and my best friends, Mettaton and Aaron. The more I thought about it, the more solid I felt about the situation. I figured that they would hate me for leaving without saying anything, but this was bigger than that. If I went back, they would all be in danger. I'll see them again, I thought. After all, wars don't last forever.

Garroth then asked both me and Adam, "Did either of you get a note about the Nine Riders?" "Yes!" Adam and I said the same time. "But who are these, 'Divine'?" Adam asked intently. Garroth and I looked at each other. We knew who the Divine were. We were the decendants of two of them: Esmund and Katrina. Two descendents of divine beings, you do the math. "I'm guessing that they were the former protectors. But why would they need a group of nine people?" I shrugged. Then I thought about what Gene said. He knew. . .

"Well, should we take their word for it and use these?" I asked, holding up the locket. Garroth nodded, Adam shrugged.

So I undid the clasp and put it on. I could feel the power raising from it. Garroth slipped the braclet on and Adam put the amulet around his neck. As if in sync, the accessories began to glow: Adam's yellow, Garroth's dark blue, mine light blue and white. After the light faded, I felt the magic coursing through me. Garroth rubbed his fingers together and Adam's tensity eased. I think we were all relieved. For now.

Just wait until I get to make up ship names! Um. . . did I sat that out loud? Well, peace out. Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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