Part 1

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The sky and the water blended together in hues of blue. Not a cloud could be seen from one horizon to the other. The sun soaked into everything it touched. The only thing that kept the heat at bay was a gentle breeze.

Cassidy leaned back on the bench. She closed her eyes, listening to the rumble of the motor as the ferry cut through the water to the island. She smiled. Two weeks on a Grecian resort was just what she needed. That her best friend was getting married was just a bonus.

A coolness sweeping over her body indicated someone had walked into her sunlight. Her brow wrinkled slightly. She had found this spot to get away from the packed lower deck. Now someone had to stand in her sunlight.

The offender coughed, possibly trying to get her attention. When her eyes stayed closed he asked, "Bride or Groom?" The accent was definitely American.

Keeping her eyes closed, Cassidy sighed and answered, "Bride." She could hear him shuffle a bit. "Could you please step to the side? You're in my sun."

He coughed again. "Oh, my bad. I only asked because it seems like everyone on this boat is heading to the island for the wedding. Whole thing has been booked for the next two weeks." He plopped down next to her on the bench. She felt a knee brush the side of her leg.

Something tickled the back of her brain as he spoke. She knew that voice from somewhere. She cracked open her eyes.

He was sitting sideways on the bench, facing her. His brown hair was just long enough to shift with the wind. Chunky sunglasses covered his eyes, but she could see a mischievous smile. He raised his hand and gave a shy wave.

Cassidy fully opened her eyes and sat up. She took off her sunglasses to get a better look at him. He mirrored her, taking off his. Hazel-brown eyes studied her as she searched her mind, trying to remember. Her jade green eyes widened as it hit her.

"Oh my God! You're Damon Bradley, I mean Peter Wright!"

"Not what I usually hear, but yes," he smiled and laughed. He ran a hand through his hair and rested it on the back of his neck. "Robert." He extended his other hand, dropping the one on his neck.

"Cassidy," she reached out and took his hand. Robert smiled with full teeth as his other hand came down on top of them. She watched as he lifted their combined hands, pressing his lips just above her hand on the back of her wrist. She pulled her hand free with a cough. "So how about you?"

"What about me?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Bride or Groom?"

"Groom, old friend and I had a few weeks between filming gigs." He draped an elbow on the back of the bench, resting his chin in his hand. His new position brought him closer. She could see shades of green hidden in with the brown of his eyes.

They fell into silence as she couldn't find anything to talk about and he just sat there, staring at her. She looked down to her lap, fidgeting with her glasses.

"Where are you coming from?" he asked, startling her out of her fidgeting. She looked back up to see him grinning wide again.


Robert sat up. He began to look around, his brow furrowed. "Funny I didn't see any tornadoes. Where's Toto?"

She laughed at the joke. "Ha ha, I'll have you know. You didn't see any tornadoes because I flew in on my broomstick," she winked and was rewarded with a full body laugh from Robert.

"Robert? Are you up here mate?" a voice boomed from the staircase before a blonde head popped up. The blonde head was attached to broad shoulders. Muscles stretched the thin material of his t-shirt. He turned around as he reached the top of the stairs, revealing sparkling blue eyes and a bright smile.

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