Part 2

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Cassidy had barely stepped onto the dock when she was bowled over by a small woman. She kept up a constant stream of words, a mix of Greek and English. Cassidy laughed, and dropped her suitcase so that she could embrace her friend.

"Sofie, calm down, at least keep it to one language," Cassidy said in Greek as they let each other go.

Sofia's dark eyes danced with mirth as she grasped Cassidy's shoulders. The breeze ruffled her chocolate brown curls.

"Chickadee, it's so wonderful to see you!" she replied in Greek. "You have changed your hair," Sofia switched to English. She twisted a strand of Cassidy's blonde hair around her finger.

"I wanted a change," she answered in English, pulling her hair out of Sofia's grasp. She rose an eyebrow at Cassidy but kept quiet.


"Christopher!" Sofia turned as Chris, Tom, Ben and Robert disembarked the ferry. She squealed and jumped into Chris's arms. He easily lifted her into a bear hug.

"How is my favorite cousin?" he asked in Greek as he gently dropped her back onto her feet.

"Christopher, I would like to introduce you to my friend," she turned to Cassidy.

"Yes, we met on the ride here," Chris smiled at Cassidy, "and maybe we should stick with English for the benefit of my friends."

"Don't worry about me friend," Robert said in Greek. The others turned to him in surprised. He shrugged at them before turning to Sofia. "It's a pleasure seeing you again. John is one lucky bastard," Robert said in English as he pressed a kiss to each cheek.

"Robert! Watch your language," Sofia playfully slapped his arm.

"Sofie, I hope you don't mind, but I brought two of my mates with me. This is Tom and Benedict," Chris said, gesturing to his friends. They each greeted her as Robert had with chaste kisses to her cheeks.

"Of course I don't mind. You brought Dr. Strange and Loki to my wedding," Sofia smiled, pressing her hands to her cheeks. "I'm only disappointed that you didn't bring Captain America and the one that turns green. What is he called?"

"The Hulk," Ben answered, speaking for the first time.

"Come on everyone. Let's get you all settled into your rooms. Benedict and Tom, I'm afraid you'll have to double up. We have very few rooms available," Sofia said, walking down the dock. The group followed.

"That's what you get when you wedding crash boys," Robert snickered. Ben remained stoic and Tom's lips thinned slightly before laughing it off.


Cassidy was unpacking when there was a knock on the door. Her jaw clenched to keep from falling open as she answered.

"Hello," Tom smiled. He was dressed in a pair of swimming trunks and sandals. A towel was draped over his shoulder. "I'm knackered from the trip, but I find the best way to beat travel fatigue is to keep active. Would you do me the pleasure of joining me for a swim?"

She couldn't help letting her eyes roam from his face, down his neck and across his sculpted chest. Cassidy stopped herself at the waistband of his shorts. She swallowed as she met his gaze. His eyes burned into her. She shook her head.

"Thank you for the offer, but I still need to finish unpacking. Then I'm meeting Sofia for drinks, maybe another time?" Cassidy said with a shrug and an apologetic smile.

"Right, quite alright, I look forward to it," Tom said, clearing his throat. He smiled before turning to leave.

Cassidy leaned against the door after she closed it, letting out a breath. She jumped as another knock sounded at her back. She swung the door open. Robert stood with his hand poised to knock again. He smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

"So I just passed triple zero on my way here," Robert said. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his khaki shorts. He had shaved his goatee, leaving his cheeks and chin smooth.

"He wanted me to join him for swimming," Cassidy said trying not to laugh at the James Bond jab.

"Well that's too bad for him. Sofia sent me to fetch you," he waggled his eyebrows above his sunglasses. He held his arm out for her to take with a smirk.

"Come in, I still have a few things to unpack," she said. She stepped to the side for Robert to enter. He raised his eyebrows as he passed her, whipping off his glasses.

"You don't feel uncomfortable, letting a strange man into your room while you unpack your delicates," he asked in a deep English accent. Cassidy laughed as she closed the door.

"My delicates are already unpacked so I'm not worried," she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"But still, you have a strange man in your room," he grinned, blocking her way. He leaned forward. His face was inches from hers. Cassidy grinned in return. She could smell spicy aftershave and mint.

"I think I can handle myself," she said with a gentle push. He stepped out of her way. "So how do you know John," she asked as she returned to her suitcase.

"Worked with him on a few films," Robert wandered around the room, looking at the artwork hung on the wall, "It's how we both met Sofia. She consulted for us while we were shooting in England." He stopped at the desk. He flipped through the information binder. He turned back. "So you live in Kansas?"

"No," Cassidy looked up from placing some shorts in the bottom drawer, "I came here from Kansas. I was visiting family. My practice is in Brooklyn."

"Really, I'll have to look you up the next time I'm in town. I have a penthouse in Manhattan. All done?" he asked as Cassidy stowed her empty suitcase in the closet. She nodded and he rubbed his hands gleefully. "Milady?" he again offered his arm. He put his sunglasses back on as they both approached the door.


Tom entered the lounge and quickly joined Ben and Chris at a table. Ben pushed a tumbler with whiskey across the table to him. He accepted it with a nod. He swallowed it in one gulp, letting out a hiss as it burned down his throat.

"Strike out with the Yank, yeah?" Ben asked with a smirk. He refilled Tom's glass.

He only shook his head as he picked up the glass again. He sipped thoughtfully this time.

"He has to be twenty years her senior. She's practically young enough to be his daughter," he said suddenly. Ben and Chris exchanged a look.

"Tom, mate," Chris said, "We've just barely arrived. Don't throw in the towel yet. Remember that make-up artist he was seeing while we were in New Mexico?"

He nodded, looking into his glass. "I know."

"Maybe you should back off," Ben said. Tom shot him a look. He shrugged. "All I'm saying is the ink is barely dry on the tabloids about you and that American singer. You just won a Golden Globe. Do you really want that kind of distraction right now." Tom harrumphed, taking another sip.

"You're one to talk, mate," Chris said. "When's the last time you had a good 'distraction?'" he used air-quotes with a smirk. He took a long drink of his beer.

"That has no relevance in this discussion," Ben said. He scowled and slouched down in his seat. Chris laughed at his response.

All three heard the sound of a full bodied feminine laugh. Across the lounge Cassidy sat next to Robert at a table with Sofia and John. She was the one laughing. Robert caught their gaze and raised his water glass in toast towards the men. Chris returned it with a smile, but Tom slouched down mirroring his friend.

"Oh come on," Chris said, "You're going to have to get used to seeing them together. He's the Best man."

"Is he really?" Tom asked more to himself as he took another sip of his drink. He straightened as Cassidy looked to see who Robert had toasted. She followed suit with her own drink. Tom plastered on a smile as he returned the toast. "We'll just have to see about that," he said through his teeth, maintaining the smile.

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