Author's Notes

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Thank you so much for the votes and comments so far! Also I appreciate all of you for being patient with me. I haven't been in the right mindset to get anything out on the plate, but I've had many ideas simmering away on the stove. I hope that it will be worth your wait.

True Story:
Recently I went across the pond to visit London. It was fantastic and there wasn't enough time in the day to see everything.

One regret I have is a missed opportunity to see Benedict. I found out the day of my departure from the States that he had been nominated for the t.v. BAFTAs for Richard the III. I then looked up the venue and it was only a few blocks from the hotel we were staying.

I was traveling with my Mom and Aunt and they were on board with me going to watch from the sidelines as the stars walked the carpet. I thought about it and ended up deciding not to go. It would have been lovely to meet Benedict in person but I would have hated fighting the crowds.

I caught video later of him walking the carpet. One of the times he detoured to sign autographs it didn't look like there were any reps from the Cumbercollective/Cumberbitches. Just a bunch of bored looking guys who only wanted his signature to make a quick buck by selling it online. 😤

I did see him in a way though.

I did see him in a way though

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...and Tom.

and Robert too

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...and Robert too.

Madame Tussaud's is about as close as I think I'll ever get to these gentlemen but I'm okay with that

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Madame Tussaud's is about as close as I think I'll ever get to these gentlemen but I'm okay with that. 😉

Again thanks for your support and patience.

See you on the other side.

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