My Captivations

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There are many things that captivate me in life.

Sometimes it's the buzzing sound of a motorcycle's engine, the feel of it's chrome leathered handlebars, the brapping noise it makes when you rev it, the vibrations that course through your thighs that make you shiver and the indescribably amazing feeling of freedom as you set off with nothing but a helmet and your trusty two-wheeled machine.

Most days, it's when you're in deep reading and your mind begins to fade, your sense dissolve and get absorbed into the book and suddenly you aren't reading a book anymore, you're living in one.

Occassionally, if not's reading, it's writing. What's most addictive about it is the feeling of accomplishment after I finish writing a poem, composition, the feeling is like winning the lottery but I guess it's morr accurate to being kissed, and as time takes it's toll and the more poems I write it's like being kissed in the right over and over again.

And when life feels like it, it's when life blesses me with an amazing girl. A woman who's the whole package, who can be as stupid as she is intelligent. Who can be as mad as she is affectionate. Who can be as delusional as she is sane. And then life, makes her beautiful just for me, like something handmade, woven by the same hand giving the gift, especially designed and gives her qualities like autumn's hair, winter's coldness, summer's warmth, spring's cotton skin and fall's mood-swing madness. I really fall in love more if she likes to read as much as I like to write, if she does then our love no longer becomes a relationship but a connection, our bond no longer becomes a red string but a whole red rope! It's these kind of women life blesses me with so I can have something precious to love, to keep, to savour and to dedicate my whole life's work too. A woman who gives me purpose, a reason to live, a reason to greet each new day with a smile of hope.

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