Letters To Heaven

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Hey there Mr. Daddy,
I'm gonna write you another letter.
I'm gonna mail it to heaven, dad.
So you can smile when you read it later!

I just got home from school today!
So I thought I'd write you up.
Today in my test, I think I did great.
I gave my best and now I'm on top!

Hey Mr. Daddy, what's been up?
What is it like in heaven up there?
Do you still have time to laugh and smile
And sit on your favorite chair?

Do you still sing your love songs
And rock n roll out of the blue?
Do you still sing your heart out
Or do the angels do it for you?

Hey there Mr. Daddy,
It's too bad you're no longer alive.
We've been praying and struggling
To make something out of our lives.

I just wish you could be here
And hug us tight, you know?
So you could take away our fears,
So we don't ever have to show.

How've you been Mr. Daddy
Can you tell me what angels look like?
Are they small and smart like me
Or do we just have nothing alike?

Hey Mr. Daddy,
It's me your son, I miss you bad.
Though I never got to meet you,
You're still the world's greatest dad!

Oh Mommy misses you Dad,
We both know she does,
She wouldn't be crying every night
If only you were here with us.

So Mr. Daddy,
Pray for us, call us up some time.
I know there are phones in heaven,
So you'll be calling just fine.

And lastly, Dad I won't forget,
The fact that I'm your precious son
Cause even though we've never met
You'll always be my number one.

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