Creamy Wolves

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Dear Adventurers

Re: The Creamy Wolf

Creamy Wolves are a pecuilar animal. Peculiar in the sense that wolves are not usually cream coloured, are they?

Oftentimes one can find a group of these majestic creatures on the outskirts of the woods. The reason for this is largely unknown, but scientists believe that marginalized creatures, such as the Creamy Wolf, have an affinity for margins or outskirts. Examples include the edge of the woods, the beach, cliffs, footpaths and decks, all of which are margins of something bigger. A possible explanation for this is that the Creamy Wolves are capable of understanding word play, and for our enjoyment make the following statement possible: "Creamy Wolves, (previously) marginalized in the wolf community, often like to live on the margins of the woods." Silly wolves.

Probably the most well known Creamy Wolf is Jamestown. Jamestown currently lives in the Rockies with his family. He is a famous Creamy Wolf advocate, and poet. His most well known poems are: "Quick Sticks Down the Road" and "Badger Falls: Are We Really Here?".

Many Creamy Wolves are incredible howlers, and are often invited to professional howling events in the wolf community.

Some say that the Creamy Wolf is distantly related to the Polar Bears of the North, but I don't really buy into that.


Craig Dean Anderson III

Romantic, Explorer and Adventurer

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