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Dear Explorer

Re: Moonbears

Moonbears are very rare creatures, and difficult to find on earth, considering that the majority of their population resides in caves on the dark side of the moon. The population on our planet is found in the Namibian desert, because of it's similarity to the moon landscape. They are a nocturnal species (obviously), but very little is known about their activities. Their diet remains a mystery to the scientific community. There, of course, have been speculations, but they generally are very silly speculations indeed. Some people believe that the Moonbears are able to eat the sand, and have a digestive system that filters out the sand, destroys the microorganisms (by stomach acid) and abosrbs their nutrients. But, that is absolutely absurd, because by that logic the bears would need to constantly (literally 24 hours a day) be eating sand to take in enough microorganisms to meet their calorific demands. I have seen the Moonbears, and they are very active, and definitely do not eat sand.

Moonbear activity is very much affected by the lunar cycle, and some of the Werewolf legends in Southern Africa probably stem from lone Moonbears on a full moon. Although not typically agressive, the full moon is part of their mating ritual and thus male Moonbears who do not find mates can become dysphoric and destructive. Historically this has been a problem in small Namibian towns, when late in the evenings some of the townspeople stumble home drunk and encounter these lonely Moonbears. Often in their state of drunkeness the people confuse the Moonbears with humanoid wolves, and the stories that have stemmed from these encounters give rise to Werewolf legends.

They are beautiful creatures: covered in a soft coat of silver fur. Enchanting to see in the moonlight, because of the glimmer and glow that their coats reflect. Even more enchating to see their prayer rituals which seem to consist of large groups of them dancing slowly together. Ebbing in the moonlight. A tide of slivery flow.

Really, you must see them. I implore you.


Craig Dean Anderson III

Romantic, Explorer and Adventurer

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