Dusk Lemurs

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Dear Explorer

Re: Dusk Lemurs

Lepilemur caeruleus, or, as translated from Latin: "Dusk Lemurs" , are sometimes my favourite creature. There are other times when they are not. The reason for that is my immense love for bears. But, that is a whole other matter.

Dusk Lemurs are small creatures. They are a dark dusky blue colour, with huge eyes, that are either gold, silver, bronze, emerald, ruby or sapphire. Their individual eye colour depends on how well they perform at their annual Dusk Lemur Games, which is very similar to our human Olympics. The main difference between the games and our Olympics, obviously apart from the competing contestants, is the scoring system. Winners of the Dusk Lemur Games receive gold eyes, second place: emerald. third place: sapphire, fourth place: bronze, fifth place: silver and lastly: ruby (Dusk Lemurs that do not place in the first five positions receive these). You're probably wondering how they are able to change their eye colour. Simple, really: Dusk Lemurs Wizards are capable of changing Dusk Lemur eye colour with a simple spell named "The Iris Hex". The Dusk Lemur Games are a delight to watch, and would highly recommend you buy a ticket for next years games, which are being held in Helsinki, or Tokyo. I'm not quite sure. There are all the usual events that you might expect. The highlight events are: the 20 metre dash, the 100 metre tree climb, and, of course, the Dusk Lemur sport of Smackaround. Smackaround makes no sense to humans. It would seem there are four Dusk Lemur teams of 5 to 23 members per game. There is no ball, but rather a wooden triangle with strange markings on it. The size of Smackaround field depends on the referee.  Most of Smackaround consists of Dusk Lemurs shouting at each other, and occasional small movements of the wooden triangle. I'm really not sure if there is a scoring system or not, but usually after a variable amount of time: the losing teams will all lie down, and the victorious team will perform a dance. 

Dusk Lemurs are carnivorous, but are known to occasionally eat fruit and nuts. They generally eat deer, and hunt in packs of five. Sometimes seven. Never six. That's too unlucky for them.

They're very sweet creatures, (well, their demeanor is very sweet, they don't actually taste very nice). Human's don't generally eat them in any case. 

True to their name: you can find them at dusk: they gather in old oak trees to listen to the birds sing. Specifically oak trees, because they believe that in terms of acoustics: these trees offer the best way to listen to the birds. 

I've traveled to Northern Mozambique to spend some time with them. There was a swim team that is interested in me having me as their coach. We've already been training, quite vigorously. There are a few that may get some Gold Eyes in next years Games. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself. 

I haven't heard anything more from the trouble in Peru, but I have some contacts there who have been keeping their ears open. I still haven't written to you about what we may have seen there, but I will tell you about that soon. I promise.


Craig Dean Anderson III

Adventurer, Romantic, and Explorer

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