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Lena grunted tiredly, pushing against Winston's motionless side. "Geez," she huffed, seeing that she had barely moved the big ape an inch. "Y'think you could stand to lose some weight?" She knew he couldn't hear her, obviously, but humor was the only thing she could think of to do. She was frightened.

It was night, and the ceiling of a huge old warehouse soared as high as a cathedral above Lena. It was dark and dusty, she coughed. She had to keep moving, she was exposed here in the middle of the floor, huge windows staring down at her like evil eyes. She scanned the dark, it was difficult to see. Along the wall, there was an overhang, a couple pyramids of boxes here and there. That would have to do for now.

It took awhile, but she finally managed to drag Winston behind one of the box pyramids. In her gut she knew they would be found. She also knew who would find them.

Her head swam and her vision blurred. Widowmaker, she would find them, there was no doubt. The assassin had been tracking her down on every mission for the past month, and Lena didn't understand why. Her heart beat faster at just the thought of those impossible yellow eyes, penetrating and emotionless. It was the eyes that shook Lena to her core and emblazoned themselves' in the back of her mind.

Her heart was still pounding against her ribs as she looked down at Winston. He was breathing, his great chest rising and falling under his armor, but it was harsh, like the breath was clawing its way in and out. The scars of battle were no stranger to her, and she'd been in so many situations similar to the one she was experiencing, but still, every time it happened it troubled her more. Overwatch was supposed to protect and serve, even at the expense of themselves, and Lena understood that. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the innocent, but once a friend was involved, especially a close friend like Winston, her views were turned upside down. She felt that, somehow, it was her fault. She could have done something more, she wasn't being vigilant enough, wasn't being a good hero.

A voice fizzed over her communication device. "--any--" Static. "--trace--" Lena was hesitant, she didn't want her location compromised, she didn't recognize the voice. She glanced at Winston, his big gorilla face was pinched with pain. She'd have to risk it. 

She put a hand to her ear. "This is Tracer, requesting backup. Winston is down, over."

The answer was almost immediate, and so clear she jumped.

"This is Mercy. We have your location, Tracer, hang tight, over and out." It was Angela. Lena let herself breath a sigh of relief.

She looked at Winston. "We're almost out of here big guy."

Still, Lena was on-edge. She couldn't lose her concentration, and every once and awhile she found herself, almost involuntarily, looking over her shoulder, even though there was nothing but dirty wall behind her. It was deathly quiet, a bead of sweat rolled down her temple.

She heard footsteps, and before there was time to react, she was pushed back by an explosive force and covered in shrapnel and debris. She slammed flat against the wall she had checked a hundred times for no reason, and then fell to the floor. Her ears rang and blood trickled down her chin. She opened her eyes, the world was fuzzy. She saw two figures in her blurred vision, but even with just the dark shapes, she knew who they were. Her teeth clenched and her hands balled into angry fists.

Reaper had his twin shotguns out, which Lena knew must have caused the explosion. None other then Widowmaker was beside him, her face was hidden in shadow, but there was no mistaking her. Lena pushed herself up, a bolt of pain rushed from her arm and she fell back. Her arm, it was broken. Winston hadn't been hurt more then he already was, she had taken the brunt of the explosion.

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