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A cold wind rushed past Jesse's face, reddening his cheeks. He trudged through foot deep snow, a blizzard whirling around him, whipping up his red poncho. It was so cold, he felt like his toes were gonna snap off. A particularly strong wind blew against him and his hat flipped off his head, swirling into the white behind him. He yelled, tripping over the deep snow as he ran back for it. He didn't have to run far, however, because Hanzo soon emerged from the storm, Jesse's hat plastered on his face.

Hanzo peeled the hat off away and held it out to Jesse. "I believe this belongs to you!" he exclaimed over the wind.

"Yeah! Thanks!" Jesse hollered back, slamming his hat on his head and anchoring it there with his cyborg hand. "We almost there?!"

"We are close! Keep going!" They trudged through the snow. They walked for so long, Jesse was starting to have existential thoughts about this blizzard. What if that was where they came from, where they all came from, the Blizzard. He felt the cold water soak through his pants when their goal finally took shape. It was dark and squarish, and as they drew closer, it focused into an old army jeep.

"Get in!" Hanzo yelled, his hair flying into his face. Jesse got into the drivers seat and Hanzo behind the wheel. The jeep hummed to life and hovered on its way. It was a bumpy ride through the storm, crosswinds attacked them on every side. Jesse thought it was a wonder the jeep didn't keel over and send them sprawling. Where was this place?

Hanzo suddenly swerved the jeep to a stop, and Jesse unceremoniously fell out and face planted in the snow. He raised his head and spit. "This place better be worth it," he said bitterly, accepting Hanzo's arm to be helped up off the ground.

"It will be," Hanzo replied with cold resolve.

"Aw, how can I resist that face," Jesse cooed, leaning in for a smooch. At the last second Hanzo spun away, walking into the storm once again. Jesse, for the second time and probably not the last, fell onto his face in the snow. This time Hanzo didn't help. Jesse scrambled after him.

They didn't walk long this time before reaching an old rickety ski lift, rising into the sky above them. It leaned and whined in the strong winds, the lifts swinging like puppets on strings. It led up a steep incline and disappeared from view, swallowed by white.

"Hanzo..." Jesse began.

"Come, Jesse, we are nearly there." Without hesitation, Hanzo grabbed Jesse's hand and jumped, pulling them both up to a lift directly above. It swung dangerously, and Jesse held so tight he put a dent into its side. Eventually, he managed to get himself inside the lift next to Hanzo, and they began the crawl up the mountain.

As they traveled, the wind faded, but God almighty was it cold. Jesse's teeth chattered. He looked over at Hanzo, who, of course, wasn't even shivering, even in that sexy one-pec-showing-off-my-cool-tattoos-obviously getup he always wore. Jesse couldn't wait till they got to wherever the hell they were going.

There was a sudden bang and the lift titled sickeningly in the air. Jessie grabbed Hanzo's unmoving forearm and clung on for dear life. They waited to see the cause, and soon none other then Genji peeked over the side of the lift, his black head band whipping in the wind like a tail. "Brother!" he called cheerily. "And Jesse! So very nice to see you here!"

"Howdy," Jesse greeted, sitting up as Genji climbed into the lift with them.

Hanzo rolled his eyes, petting Jesse's hand fondly, but still glaring, like he always did. "Yes, Genji, what a coincidence to run into you on this old ski lift in the middle of nowhere."

"Is he gonna come with us?" Jesse asked. "I mean, no offense, but shouldn't we be alone on these kinds of things?"

"Yes, we should," Hanzo said, looking at Genji rather bitterly. Jesse resisted the sudden urge to pat Hanzo's head.

"Oh, no, I won't come with you, I just wanted to see my dear brother is all--" Genji'a happy voice was clearly false now "--since he wasn't there for our relationship building pottery class."

Hanzo rolled his eyes. "Genji, for the last time, I don't want to go to your pottery class, it's a waste of time."

"See, this is why we fell out the first time! You never cooperate with me!"

"Just because I don't want to go to your useless pottery class, doesn't mean we're going to try and kill each other again," Hanzo retorted.

Genji harrumphed metallically from beneath his mask. "We'll talk later." He jumped from the lift and disappeared.

Hanzo sighed. "I am sorry, Jesse..." He looked up into the white, anywhere but at the man sitting close to him.

"Oh, it's alright, darlin'. Pottery classes sound down right boring to me, too. Sure is a shame Genji didn't come yesterday."

"Yes..." Hanzo waited for a moment, the looked at him. "We must jump now."

Jesse smirked. "Awright."

They jumped, down to the ground again, through the swirling winds, each holding the other's hand tightly. A great cloud of powder kicked up as they landed, and together the two walked. It wasn't long before a small log cabin came into view. It looked old but it held against the blizzard well. Jesse was the first to walk in, exhaling a tired breath as he held the door open for Hanzo. The door shut, it was warm inside. Jesse's breath no longer escaped in plumes of steam.

He took off his coat and hat as he examined the place. It was a homey cabin, a fireplace in the wall and a mantle filled with jade and porcelain objects, and right above it an oddly placed western rifle. To Jesse's surprise, he spotted a bull's skull hung up on one of the walls right next to an ancient Chinese scroll. The whole thing was a cacophony of far east and far west. The rug was cow skin, and ceramic jars of incense were scattered on it, burning, small trails of smoke zigzagging into the air.

"Do you like it?" Hanzo asked, looking uncharacteristically sheepish. "It took me a while to get that bull skull, it was probably the hardest artifact to retrieve."

Jesse grinned and walked over to him. He kissed him gently, cupping his cheek with a calloused hand. "I love it, darlin'," Jesse said, "couldn't think of a better place to spend a honeymoon." Hanzo nuzzled into Jesse's hand contentedly. They sat on the cow skin carpet in front of the fire.

"Though, I'd prefer California to this blizzard any day," Jesse commented, probably ruining the mood, but Hanzo laughed anyway.

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