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Fareeha crashed down from the sky like a comet hitting the earth. Even her powerful armor couldn't have protected her from the force of smashing onto the ground from such a height. Her visor was shattered, yellow pieces of it scattered on the ground like the pieces of a puzzle.

She propped herself up on her hands. Her armor was charred and kept sparking, burning her. She was seeing double, the battle around her a blur of color and light. She spat out blood and reached for the control panel on her arm, fumbling with it until she managed to open the panel and switch off her suit. There was a hum as the electricity died. She smelled smoke from her jet pack. It had been shot while she was in the air, which caused her to spiral out of control and fall to the ground.

She tried to move, but she felt like every bone in her body had been broken, or at least most of them. Her power suit was dented, the metal jabbing at the skin it was meant to protect. The sun was beating down on her as well, which didn't help much.

She crawled, every nerve screaming at her while she did, to a nearby boulder for cover. She yanked her broken helmet off, panting with pain and exhaustion. Without her helmet, she couldn't communicate with her team, who were all in the distance, still in the skirmish.

Fareeha felt frustrated, felt like a burden. She needed to fight, but every time she moved a bolt of lightning shot up her spine and she was forced to lay back against the boulder.

"Fareeha!" She blinked. Even through a hazy cloud of pain, she could recognize the voice.


"Oh goodness." The woman kneeled next to Fareeha, looking very worried. Angela's face was covered in dust and blood, blood that was both her's and others'. "Your armor is broken. We'll have to take it off, it's hurting you."

Fareeha didn't hear Angela's words so much as she heard the cadence of her voice. Her ears were still ringing and her head was muddled, so she just listened to Angela, her voice sharp and crisp like it always got when she was nervous.

Fareeha watched as Angela stripped her of her armor, leaving only a flight suit behind. Through the haze of pain, the doctor really did look like an angel, with her wings and halo, her head blocking the sun so it looked like she was the source of all the bright light. Fareeha's eyes drifted closed.

Angela began to heal Fareeha, her hands working meticulously with a golden glow, brushing over her arms and legs, her torso and head. Fareeha felt the pain ebb away, and her eyes fluttered open. "You'll still be weak," Angela said, looking into her eyes now. "The payload's been secured though, the battle is finished."

Fareeha was smiling, and Angela looked at her, confused. "I thought you would be disappointed. You missed most of the fight."

"No, I'm not disappointed." Fareeha sat up a bit and leaned toward Angela, who still looked bewildered. "I like it when you heal me."

Angela sat there poker faced for a moment, before snorting and pushing Fareeha gently. "You tease!" A blush crawled across her cheeks.

"Oh, no," Fareeha gasped dramatically and put her hand to where Angela had nudged her. "You've wounded me. The light...I can see it. I think I need...more healing."

Angela could barely contain her laughter now. "Oh my gosh." More laughing. Fareeha smiled and took her hand. Angela abruptly stopped.



Fareeha leaned closer to Angela, her eyes glancing down to her lips then back up to her wide blue eyes. She paused, their lips almost brushing, hesitant, the pattering of hearts heard in both ears. Suddenly, the sun felt hotter, shining ruthlessly down on them. Fareeha could feel heat coming off Angela in waves, and like a boiling sea crashing down on her, the woman closed the gap between them.

With their lips locked together finally, the heat wasn't so unbearable. It felt warm and comfortable, and Fareeha felt nothing else but Angela upon her, her hands tangled in her hair and her arms around her neck.

Angela was the first to break away with a breathless, "goodness."

Fareeha smiled. "What?"

"You know how to do this." Fareeha laughed easily, resting her forehead against Angela's.

"What are you two doin' just sittin' round we got stuff to--" Angela and Fareeha jumped apart at the sign of Tracer's voice above them.

"Ooooh, my," Lena said teasingly as she realized what had been happening. She grinned at the both of them. "Well, don't let me bother you. It's just, Winston's getting a bit impatient."

"Yes, of course." Angela stood up, brushing herself off, all business again. She turned to follow Lena, but not before casting a short seductive smile Fareeha's way. "We'll continue this later?" she asked, then walked off before waiting for an answer. Fareeha was more then happy to follow after her.

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