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Jack slid open the door to the hanger. It rumbled and slammed to a stop. Inside were planes, cars, other gadgets, all for Overwatch. Everything was dusty from neglect. He was looking for someone.

"Fareeha!" Jack called. "I know you're in here somewhere..." The girl and her mother, Ana, both lived on base, like most of the agent's and their families. Thus, little Fareeha was here almost every weekend, gawking at the agents and the tech, the whole deal. Jack turned round, folding his arms. He saw someone skitter between the mechs. He smiled, walking quietly.

"Surprise attack!" The ten year old girl slammed onto his back from above. Jack stumbled, laughing.

"That was pretty good, I didn't see you coming," Jack said, smiling. "I bet your mother would be proud."

"Eh, she'd probably just make me do my homework," Fareeha said, rolling her eyes to the ceiling.

"Now don't be like that." Jack set her down on the ground. "You know you need good grades to join Overwatch?"

Fareeha's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah," Jack said. "You need to be strong and smart."

Fareeha thought for a moment. "This better not be some ploy to get me to do my homework."

"Whether it's a ploy or not isn't the point." Jack smirked slyly. "You know, Angela is on the road to becoming an agent, and her grades are top notch."

"Angela? Oh..." Fareeha looked sheepish. "I guess I better, um, do my homework then."

"Run along then." Jack shooed her away. Ana appeared at the big sliding door Jack had entered in. Fareeha ran to her, they exchanged a few words, and Ana waved to Jack. He waved back, and soon, he was alone. He walked between the machines, they were like a forest of metal. Sunlight filtered through the huge windows on the walls of the hanger. He wished he could be out there, taking down bad guys, bringing justice, but, the Omnic crisis was over. Overwatch had gone quiet, most of its agents were just mercenaries now, nothing to do really.

Jack climbed on top of a mech and sat there, staring out one of the windows. The city outside shined like gold. He sighed. A hand touched his shoulder.

Jack looked up to see Gabriel standing next to him. "Heya, Gabe," Jack greeted as the man sat down.

Gabriel Reyes, Jack's friend and partner during the Omnic crisis. They had fought in so many battles now, too many to count. Now, the two were soldiers without a war to fight. After the crisis, Jack had been given power in the group, which had left him and Gabe at odds with each other. Luckily, after years had passed, they had begun to rebuild their friendship. They were on good terms now, but somehow, it wasn't enough for Jack.

"What're you doing up here, Jack, hm?" Gabe asked, resting his elbow on his friend's shoulder.

Jack turned away to hide a sudden blush that started to bloom on his cheeks. "Just looking."

Gabe leaned forward to try and look into Jack's downcast eyes. "At the floor?"

"Yes," Jack said quickly. "The floor just got waxed, it's a very good floor, very clean."

"Sure...hey, you alright, Jack?" Gabe asked, looking worried.

"Sure, yeah, I'm gay--reat! Great, I'm great!"

Gabe still looked concerned, but he decided to drop it. He slapped Jack on the back. "See ya round, pal."

"See ya round," Jack repeated, watching Gabe as he jumped down and left the hanger, shutting the rolling door behind him. Jack was alone again. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, and muttered under his breath, frustrated. He was a grown man, he could deal with this. At least he thought he could. He sat there for a while in silence.

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