Chapter 2 - A Girly Talk

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"KELLY ELLEN MELLON, HOW DARE YOU COMING BACK AND NOT TELLING YOUR BEST FRIEND?!", - said the voice. It was Jessica Schmidt, Kelly's best friend since kindergarten. Hearing that sentence made Kelly feel happy and maybe relieved a bit..."not telling your best friend"... that meant Jessica was still her girl #1.

/5 years ago/:
"Kelly, I got accepted in LA City College! Just like we dreamed. What does your letter says?", - Jessica was never that excited.
"I... I got accepted too, but...", - Kelly knew if she finishes the sentence it will break her friend's heart.
"But what? Kelly, what's going on?", - Jess had a feeling and she didn't like it.
"I'm not going there, I'm sorry", - and Kelly meant it.
"What? But why? It was our dream, remember? We have been together our whole lives!".
"Jess, I get it, but college in Sydney is a better opportunity, the archeological faculty there is much better than in LACC, you know?".
"Okay. But do you know that Eric is going to LACC as well?".
"I do. And to prevent your future question, no, I didn't tell him yet".
"Fine. But promise me one thing, you and I, no matter what, are going to be each other's girls #1!".

Kelly and Jessica. It always has been that way. And always will.

"I was about to text you, Jess", - Kelly said knowing it would comfort her friend a little bit.
"Are we going to see each other anytime soon?", - Jessica asked.
"I mean, if you insist, hahaha", - Kelly tried to sound less awkward.

Somehow Kelly felt that seeing her best friend would be a good way to get back to what her life was 5 years ago, but at the same time, she wasn't sure if that was what she wanted right now.

"Tell me when, we throw a party, oh, oh, The Comeback Party, what do you think?", - Kelly felt like Jessica was standing right in front of her, it also made her feel nostalgic.
"Party? Are you sure it's a good idea?", - it was obvious, Kelly might face her fear soon. "I mean, it doesn't count as a party if there are only 2 people?".
"2 people? Come on. It always have been the four of us. Best buds. Don't tell me you need to be reminded with the names", - Jess sounded surprised.
"No, I remember", - Kelly said. She really did.
"Name our gang. NOW!", - Jessica said stubbornly.
"Kelly, Jessica, Greg and..., - Kelly took a deep breath, - and Eric".
"Good girl! So when do I see you? When do I fill you in with the news?".
"When do you want a party?", - Kelly tried to avoid friend's question.
"I'll check everyone's schedule and let you know, but before that I need some Kelly and Jessica time, deal?".
"Deal", - Kelly knew there is no way she can get away from her friend.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow. Now rest. And you know what? I'm happy you're back", - Kelly knew how important it was for Jess to say that.
"I'm happy too. See you tomorrow", - Kelly hung up.

Tomorrow is the day - Kelly Mellon and Jessica Schmidt reunion. Mixed feelings: happiness, anxiety, fear.

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