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Lucy pov

It was dark, and cold.

I was on something hard like a floor or a table?

I got up and it was cold under my feet. I was on the floor. I started walking. I sensed a presence and so I turned slowly to see who it was. It was

"Mom! Aquarius!" I screamed in shock.

I started running to them but every step I took looked like they were moving away. I stopped running.

"Lucy........" they both said at the same time.

"Yeah?....." I said in confusion.

"You must...." my mom started

"You must choose the light or the dark." Aquarius said looking down.

"If you choose the wrong one you'll die." My mom said also looking down.

"Wh- why, what do you mean?!" I said  confused.

"You have one year to decide" my mom said

"We'll be back in one year" Aquarius stated.

They started to disappear

"N-NO DON'T L-LEAVE ME!!! Please........" I said as I dropped to the  floor crying my eyes out.

Natsu pov

I had placed lucy in the infirmary (did I spell that right?😂) after she just randomly fell to the floor unconscious.

Im so worried about her it's been one week since she fainted!

Someone walked into the infirmary. It was Wendy

"Hey wen" I said calling her, her nickname I made

"Hey natsu-San I brought you some food." Wendy said handing it to me

"Thanks...... Wen" I said

"Um..... Wen could yo-" I was saying until she cut me off

"Of course I could check up on lucy-san, don't worry natsu-San she'll be up soon" Wendy said in determination.

I smiled "thanks."

Wendy's pov

I know Lucy-San will wake up, I just know it.

I put my hands over her body. My hands started glowing greenish blue.

She seemed healthy. Just tired. But it feels like she about to wake up.

I looked down to see lucy crying in her sleep.

"Natsu-San come look, she's crying!!!! That must mean she'll be up sooner than later!!!!!!" I yelled surprised and happy.

He ran over quickly and looked down at lucy.

"Why is she crying" natsu-San asked worried

"I'm not sure" I said

Lucy started to move around.










Lucy jumped out of bed, I JUMPED.


Lucy was sweating like CRAZY, she wiped her tears.

She looked around the room confused.

"What happened?" She asked

HELLO my lovelies children. I kept my promise to update today. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!!!!  I updated so late. I was just SUPER annoyed this whole day because school WOULDN'T END!!!!!!!!!!! 😩😩😩
But now I'm hype and it's 9:10 pm and I have to go somewhere tomorrow but I want to stay up ALL night and then sleep in!!!!!!!!!!!
Well what ever bye~ 🤗❤
Giving love❤

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