Master and me 1

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So cold...Its so dark... Let me out im scared..Help me...Someone...

"Wake up."

A light suddenly appear. There was a lot of noise. Something moving around.

I tried to reach for something. Confused I felt something hold on to me. It was warm and pretty. I saw a smile it was so warm. The smile move up closer to me. There I saw something red. 

I Remember the day master created me.

I hear a voice calling me.

"Wake up."

"Wake up Kuroko."

My surrounding become clearer. There is saw a small boy with red hair and the eyes of the red sunset. He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm your master Akashi Seijiruou. Do you know who you are?"

"Kuroko Testuya. Number 11." I said.

The boy smile at me. He stick out his arms to me.

"From now on I'm your master you have to always love me and never leave me and do what I always tell you to do okay?"

"Yes, I understand" I reach out to his hand. Our hand touch and intertwined. This was the first time I felt warm hands. I felt something bubble inside me. I smiled. What is this feeling? What is it call? Is it call Happiness? or...

 What is this feeling? What is it call? Is it call Happiness? or

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Sorry it its short.


Master and me (Akakuro)✅Where stories live. Discover now