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I saw you yesterday, 

You smiled and said hello.

But I bet you didn't know..

Your smile lights my heart on fire,

your laugh makes me feel alive,

Your brown eyes seem like they're searching for me,

Is this real or am I in a dream?

I saw you yesterday,

We talked and you left,

I bet you didn't know..

Your hand would fit perfect in mine,

your height is just right,

Your heart would always be safe with mine..

I saw you yesterday,

There's plenty I'm dieing to say...

So I called you today,

I gave my heart away.

I poured out my soul to you,

And you said..

I've always wanted to call you mine,

And let our fingers entwine,

Long walks on the beach together, or maybe just talking forever,

Your smile just warms my heart; it's all I'm looking for.

Your height it just right, your laugh makes me feel alive.

So will you please...Be mine?

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