{Chapter 3}

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Feeling a new sense of bravery, I went back onto iMessage once more and tapped on Mark's contact. "They love us Mark," I texted him, breaking the tension; cracking the ice. It was as if I could physically see Mark practically pounce on his phone, as the small grey bubble with blinking dots instantly appeared to signal that he was typing something. Which made me wonder... If he had been kept awake as well.

My heart began to flutter in my chest as I awaited his response. Something that had never happened too often. "What?" He texted back. Suddenly, out of no where, my dreadful feelings seemed to ebb away, but I could still sense them lingering overhead. "Just look at Felix's Twitter," I responded. The grey bubble disappeared as I assumed he went to check it out. I stared at the screen for what seemed to be an eternity, and Mark finally texted back. "What did you expect Jackaboy? You're in it so of course they'll love it ;)." I could feel myself blush as I thought up a response. "Ah, don't start with that shit Mark :)," I said with a smile. "Fine," he began, sending another message after it. "Boo."

"Oh you," I texted back, glancing up at the time on my phone and realizing it was actually 7:01 A.M. now. "I've gotta get ready now, talk to ya later," I said, and with that I opened my laptop and scrolled through the videos I hadn't uploaded yet.

I was glad that I usually pre-recorded an extra episode for each of my video series for occasions like these where I didn't have time or was on vacation. But even if I was at home and had the time, I don't think I would have been able to record. I wasn't in the mood for yelling at the top of my lungs and acting like everything was ok in front of my subscribers. Because not everything was. But I suppose as long as I stayed in touch with Mark, everything would be "just fine."

I watched the blue bar make its way across the empty grey striped background after I choose a video, taking longer than I expected as the internet at the hotel was rather slow with all of the other people there hogging it.

I went around the room to check I had packed everything, grabbing my passport and shoving it in my pocket in the process. Afterwards, I glanced back at my laptop and noticed the video had uploaded. I hoped that my subscribers wouldn't ask for a second video. I scrolled through some of the first comments I saw, that familiar anxiousness haunting me as it always did every other time I posted a new video.

"Oh yay, jacks not ded," was the first comment I saw, recalling that some of my subscribers didn't follow me on Twitter. Below the comment I saw a response. "He was probs spending teh night wit Mark ;)." I snickered to myself, tempted to respond. But I decided not to.

I shut my computer, and placed it in my suitcase, zipping it up. I was all set to go. I went on my phone and called the taxi service so they could pick me up from the hotel and drive me to the airport. I took the elevator down to the lobby, glad that there was a different receptionist behind the counter today.

The taxi was supposed to arrive in a few minutes, so I took the time to look at Mark's Twitter and noticed he had retweeted the video as well. I felt those dreadful feelings coming back, and I tried to shove them away; I tried to ignore them and pretend they didn't exist. My thoughts started to meander to the darker parts of my mind. What if he doesn't miss me as much as I miss him? What if he advanced just because he was bored? What if he doesn't really love me?

"-Is there a Sean here?" I heard a man shout from over by the marble top counter. It must have been the taxi driver. "Uh- Right here," I said, snapping out of my trance and getting up from the comfy couch cushion. I grabbed my suitcase by the handle, and began to follow the driver as he made his way through the entrance doors, out to his taxi. -What if Mark doesn't want me later on?

The man cleared his throat as I finally took notice of him standing between me and the taxi door with his hand outstretched. I subtly shook my head as I snapped into attention, and started digging through my pockets for the money. I handed him my payment and he sidestepped out of the way to count the dollar bills, allowing me to get inside. As I slammed the door shut, I saw him briskly nod to himself through the window as he walked around the hood of the car and plopped down into the driver's seat. Here I go.


Are you guys enjoying this so far? Comment and let us know! We know there isn't really much going on right now, but we wanted to try and convey all of Jack's emotions and feelings for the first main part of the book, so don't worry, it'll get more interesting! "Building character," basically XD Anyways, hope you liked it! All comments, votes and reads are appreciated! 

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