{Chapter 9}

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I heard him giggle like a three year old as he shoved me, his intentions good. "What was that for?" I asked, staggering, as he took off into the boundless meadow, waiting for me to give chase. I ran after him, the grass whipping my legs as I laughed hysterically, trying to catch up. I felt like a kid again.

He looked over his shoulder, his eyes twinkling with glee. I saw him stumble, and I was able to catch up to him. I seized Mark as he began to fall with a laugh, and lay him down, the grass around him flattening, like a crowd making way for someone.

I tripped as well, falling down right next to him, laughing all the way. We laid there for a few minutes, uproariously laughing at absolutely nothing, but nonetheless enjoying it. I lost track of everything; time, space, you name it... All that mattered then was Mark. Hours seemed like minutes and minutes seemed like hours.

We pranced around in the field like young deer, energetic and lively. I forgot all of my worries. They drifted away somewhere, off into the clouds, watching down from above sternly; watching Mark and I have innocent, sweet fun again.

It wasn't until the sky began to darken and we were panting out of exhaustion, that we finally took notice. Time came back like a slap in the face; space returned and hit us like a boomerang. I had completely forgotten. This whole time, I ignored it. I pretended it wasn't real. I had let it evaporate along with my worries. But it sure did sting when I was reminded of it.

"Damn..." Mark said, frowning for the first time since I had seen him today. "Please Mark... Not again..." I said, my voice tremulous. "You know I have too... I have to leave," Mark said, looking down at the grass, its repetitive jerking motion no longer comforting, but taunting. "Can't your brother wait?" I said, throwing my hands up, feeling my eyes water. Anything but this shit again. I didn't mean to get emotional... It's not like I wanted to...

"You know the answer to that..." Mark said, his voice wavering. "I have to go back to Ohio... I already scheduled the flight and- and-" Mark said, gesticulating, abruptly pausing as he finally seemed to notice the intense emotion in my eyes; the conversation coming to a hiatus.

"Dammit Jack..." he said, as his own eyes began to tear up. "I can't fucking stand to lose you again," I said, feeling my chest constrict as I ran both of my hands through my hair. Everything had gone from comforting to upsetting, gentle to rough, light to dark, good to bad. After months of waiting, I had to go through the horrendous stress of leaving him all over again. I didn't know if I had the strength to deal with that or not.

"I don't know what to do," Mark said plainly, his eyes portraying woe and confusion all at once, in one big abhorrent concoction. I could feel a lump form at the back of my throat as I watched Mark; watched his gentle expression I had seen not so long ago turn into one of pain. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible, it's soft properties carried away from there in the breeze which seemed to turn to a wicked tornado; like fresh milk spoiling. He squinted, and tears began to fall from his eyes, his face contorting into an expression of guilt. His quick, rapid exhales were almost silent as he stood there, as if some sort of ghostly specter. It was like watching someone die right in front of me.

"No, I- I'm sorry..." I stammered, feeling a tear run down my face. "I didn't mean to yell like that," I said, barely able to mutter the words. "It's not your fault," Mark said, shaking his head and looking up at me, trying to smile, but failing. He wiped his face with his sleeves, the shimmering masses of tears whisked away, and took a few paces forward. My heart really did shatter then. My own mind couldn't even express how I felt. There were no words for this.

Mark grabbed my hands, his eyes portraying almost every emotion I could name, and kissed me before I could say anything, my eyes widening with shock. I closed them, feeling the last beams of the sun touch my face as it began to sink below the horizon. Mark pulled back, somehow finally mustering the strength to smile. "Everything's going to be fine Jack..." Mark said with a small laugh.

"We can do this all again, anytime we want. We can see each other whenever we want..." he said passionately, his hands still firmly grasping mine. "I know... But it's just so hard letting you go like this," I said biting my lip.


Only one more chapter left after this... Then that's the end. The next one'll be shorter cause we didn't really know how to split it up. But thank you so much to everyone who actually made it this far. We'll save all the sappy stuff for next chapter~ 

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