||Amami x Reader||

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"I already apologize again but I didn't watched the Livestreams of the game cuz' I don't wanna get spoilerd. I want to play the game on my own when it's in the west so yeah sorry for that"

It was a joke right? Or maybe just a nightmare and I will wake up any second!
A killing game.
And I'm in it.
With 16 other students.
I'm (y/n)(l/n), known for being the Ultimate (talent) and now stuck in a killing game.


Two days have already passed and luckily nobody had the absurd idea of killing anybody.
Right now I'm walking  through the corridor to collect my mind and calm down a bit, I'm still not sure if there will be someone to save us, I only know that this bear is freaking me out, he just appear out of nowhere how is this even possible? 
Still, I'm kinda surprised about that fact that nobody get killed by someone, I mean some people here are pretty weird. And their talents are spread from normal things like Kaede as ultimate pianist to unusual talents like Kiibo being the ultimate robot, I didn't even know that this is a talent, or Amami as someone who forgot his talent. But still, most of them are really nice and I hope that nothing will happen to anybody, and somebody will come soon to get us out of this hell.
Hmm Amami, now that I think about it, what could his talent even be, he's always so relaxed about everything.
Let's see, maybe he's the ultimate chilled guy! Okay scratch that, I'm pretty sure this isn't a talent. He wears alot of accessories on his hands maybe the ultimate hand model! Okay (y/n) stop that, it's getting absurd... though with his looks he acutally could be a model. What am I even thinking about, back to his talent! Amami Rantaro, the ultimate... the ultimate, I have no idea what his talent could be! Why is this so hard?! How did he even forgot his talent in the first place, did he had an accident or did he maybe just forgot it-Maybe the Ultimate forgetful dude! I should really stop, but I'm so curious. Amami is like a mystery on his own, and he deserve to know his talent right! Maybe I can help him somehow. In these two days we're all here, he was so nice to me, we ate breakfast together, talked about alot of stuff and he tried to calm me down when I was with my nerves at the end. Yeah I should totaly help him!
"I'll find your talent out Amami, don't worry!"
"Huh how nice of you (y/n)." What the- Don't say Amami is like Monokuma andd just apperad behind a corner!
"Amami where did you come from?" 
"I was just on my way to the library and heard some footstep, I was just curious who it was." Why does his smile look so cute...
"Ah yeah, was just me..talking to myself! Sorry, that's probably pretty weird." This is so awkward.
I wonder if he's thinking now that I'm strange or somthing, just talking out loud that I'll find out his talent without content and alone in the hall. I'm pretty sure I would think that person would be strange, if this would happen to me, okay just stay positive!
"Haha I could see that and don't worry it's cute, I appreciate such nice help like that" 
This laugh.
Okay I'm probably a blushing mess right now I can feel it, okay (y/n) gaze to the floor and avoid eye contact!
"Ahah ha your welcome, I guess." This is just getting more awkward, I should just turn around and go back to my room-
"Mind joining me to the library, we can talk about your plan to find out my talent, you sounded so determined." 
"Eh- sure! Why not." Okay I should probably finally admit it to me, I have a crush on Amami, I only know him for two days is this even possible. 
"So what's your plan (y/n)~"
"Actually it's not really a plan, I just want to help you with that. Maybe we should ask Saihara?"
"Naah I'm sure we can find it out on our own too, we will be a great team believe me"
A great team huh is he doing that on purpose.. making me blush like an idiot.
"By the way (y/n), is everything okay? You're so red, should we maybe stop at the infirmary."
"Ah don't worry I'm fine it's just a bit- too warm for me hehe."
"If you say so,but tell me if there is something okay"
"S-sure" He sound so worried. Amami is such a nice person, to worry about someone he don't even know well.
Wait- We're alone right now, this is actually a good moment to ask him why he'd forget his talent-
Okay we're almost in the library, now or never. There is a 50/50 chance that someones in there.
"Hey Amami, I'm just curious but do you know how you forgot your talent? I mean you don't have to answer if you don't want! I was just kinda worried that you maybe had an accident or something.." (y/n) (l/n) the probably ultimate blushing mess. Okay (y/n) now look him in the eyes so he knows you're serious!
"You're cute you know that (y/n)? Right now everybody is probably worried about it's own life and you here are worried that I might had an accident, don't worry okay."
Amami is hugging me.
He is hugging me gentle.
"Don't worry (y/n)" He is just whispering...
It's not weird to hug him back right..right!? I don't care, it feels so nice and warm.
I just realized how tall he is compared to me, he's one whole head taller than me.
"Hehehe sorry if I make you uncomfortable I just felt like it"
You could have hugged me a whole day if you want!
"It's fine. It felt nice.."
"Glad to hear than, so let's go in the library, Ladys first~"
Such a gentleman! 
"Hmm maybe here are some books that can help, why do you even wanted to go here in the first place Amam-"
"C'mooon does robots have dicks now or noooot~?" 
I knew it, someone is here...
"Ahh (y/n) I think Ouma and Kiibo are here too"
"I heard that..."

That's a mood killer from the finest sort.
Okaaay~! The first little one shot, I'm sorry it's not really the best, me trying  to write for the first time is just argh. XD But yeah maybe someone can enjoy it and can give me some criticsm so the next one will be better~

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