|| Kaito x Reader ||

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Heeey it's me again, the one who didn't update stuff in forever. XD So yeah I said I wanted to wait till I played the game but that's just too long! So I just try to write without knowing the game, I mean when I want something to know I can just look real quick on the wiki. XD But yeah I'm sorry when in those stories is stuff that isn't in V3 I mean I don't even know all the locations there so bare with me when I just made some up <3
And yeah I kinda lost track with the requests so I just make them in random order sorry;;;

Request by: younaga

Just another normal day in this crazy killing game, I mean when you ignore the killing game part. The only good things are that for now nobody had the crazy idea of seriously killing someone and that everybody here is nice in their own ways, not exactly normal but they're still nice, there is the totaly not suspicious Amami, the panta addicted midget Ouma, the little magician Himiko, bug lover Gonta and alot more. They're all unique so it's quiet easy to remember everybody. Maybe we can just stay here and wait till help from outside comes, I don't think anybody here would kill somebody, maybe I'm just naive but I'm sure they are all good people and wouldn't do this . We can just try to have a nice time together till help comes and nothing happen, this would be like the best scenario I could imagine, we could see it like kind of a school trip! But yeah for now...I should leave my bed finally.

"Cleaned and dress, fresh for a new day~!"
I wonder what I can do today, I mean for now breakfast but for the rest of the day I'm clueless.
For a prison it's pretty big here so- "Good Morniiiing (Y/N)!" The sudden voice behind you let you freeze for a second till you realize it's Kaito, the ultimate astronaut who's running up to you. So to be true I have so much respect from him and his talent, The Ultimate Astronaut he must be so smart and know all stuff about the galaxy, I don't even know a single star sign;;; I should ask him someday if he maybe can teach me some stuff here and there.
"Good Morning Kaito, I hope you slept well"Just now you realized that he's still in his pajamas and- wow his hair is down. Now that I think about it, what is he doing here? Most of the time I'm the first from everybody who wakes up, I'm quiet an early riser and Kaito is like most of the time the last person who wakes up...
"Hey are you alright, why are you up so earl-"
"(Y/N)! We're meant for each other!" Wait what-!? 
You blushed so hard you never blushed before and instictive looked down so he couldn't see your face. This is nothing you say to somebody in the morning!
What is he saying, is he still asleep-? I should probably be the happiest person right now, just look at him, Kaito is like the perfect guy, a bit too hot-blooded somtimes but perfect.
"Eh- Kaito I think I should bring you to your bed again you're probably sleepwalking and talking nonsen-"
"No no no I am serious (Y/N)! This night, I had a dream about us two being together!"
I don't even need to look at his face to know how convinced he is about this..
"And you know (Y/N) I'm pretty sure when People are dreaming of each other that means they're meant to be together! It's chosen from the universe! You dreamed about me as well right?"
He sounds so romantic! Are we really meant for each oth- wait.
"Eh- I didn't dream about you"
"What- you didn't!?"
"I dreamed about a pancake castle..."
Wow this went from romantic to awakward pretty fast, I dream like all nights about him why not today?! Damnit stupid brain!"
"Pancake castle hmm...(Y/N)!"
"Y-Ya?" What's coming now-
"Let's go to the library and let's decode your dream! I'm pretty sure it's something like you're the pancake and I am the castle, we need to be together and stuff. I'm sure there is a book that will decode it like this C'mon!"
And with this statement he took my hand and dragged me to the library, he didn't even care that he's still just in his pajamas and still couldn't style his hair, and than there is me who still couldn't stop to blush, it's like he just made a confession to me and is trying so hard to convince me, I would agree without the Dreamdecode plan but I just can't speak, it's like I'm to overwhelmed to get any words out of my mouth.

>Time Skip after a looong explanation from Kaito of how the Pancake Castle dream was about him<

"See! You had a dream about me too (Y/N) means...MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!"
This makes no sense, in any way I look at it, it just makes not a single sense.
But he tried so hard... cute.
"Ohh- yeah now when you say it like this it totaly make sense Kaito!" I shouldn't lie but he tried so hard.
"Hehehe you don't need to lie (Y/N) I know that it makes not really sense but I really dreamed about you, and it was nice. I really like you like love like you. I just thought I can make it a bit more romantic when I confess with dreams to you."
He loves me too-!?
Kaito comes closer, took my hands and made me look at him. Right now I was just a blushing mess but I didn't even care.
"(Y/N) I love you." He said it- He really said it!
"I love you too Kait-" Before I even could've finish my sentence I felt his soft lips on mine.
Who would've thought he would actually like me...
He wrapped is strong arms around me and pulled me closer and closer.
Suddenly to Library door burst open with a breathless Kaede standing in there.
"There you two are! We were worried when you weren't in the cafeteria for breakfast and not even in your room- Oh.. uhm- I leave you alone and tell the others you're fine.."
The Ultimate Pianist just turend red after this and leaved the place fast as possible.


"Oh Akamatsu you're back, did you find the- why are you so red?"
"Ah- ahahaha yeah I found them...they're fine nothing happends ahaha.."







Sooooo I hope Kaito's not too OOC like I said I have like no idea how his character is in the game I just read that he's energetic, lives for dreams and romance and I just tried to do something with this informations XD Still hope you enjoy reading it and it didn't end horrible. And I hope it isn't too short Wattpad kinda stopped counting somewhen and now I'm not so sure about it. XD

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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