|| Ouma x Reader ||

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Request by: neostium

I seriously catched a cold here, there can be nothing better right.. I can almost see my sarcasm dripping from my thoughts.
This is so boring! I can do nothing except laying in my bed!
I mean Keade gave me in the morning a tea but that's all, why does nobody visit me I'm so bored. I had so many plans for today, and now all I can do is just laying here... alone.
Maybe I should ju- wait when I can't leave my bed today, that means I'll miss the prank Ouma wanted to do today! He was so excited about it when he told me about it yesterday, and now I'll miss it. Now that I think about him, I already kinda miss him. Most of my time, since we're all trapped here, I spent my free time with Ouma and now this.
His smile, laugh, sparkling eyes...okay I may or may not have a little crush on him but nobody need to know right.
Ouma Kokichi.
"(Y/N)-chaaaaaaan!" knock knock knock
What the- I summoned him! Wait I thought this only happens when you say the name three times and not just thinking.

"Are you awaaake? Naaah I don't care, I come in noooow~"
And there the door goes.

"Ouma, what are you doing here?"
"Huh, I have soup for you~"
"Wait you can cook- I mean thanks but..you can cook?"
Don't say he can actually cook, I didn't except this from him, I mean it's so nice that he made me someth-
"Nope~ I would have probably burned down the kitchen if I had tried nishishi. Kaede made it and asked me to give it you."
Okay I actually could have guess that... I should probably thank Kaede when I see her again.
"Oh, still thanks for bringing it I was kinda bored- what are you doing?"

"Make Ahhh (Y/N)-chaaan~"
Why is he trying to feed me!? I mean I love his smile but this right now looks suspicious.
"Eh- thanks but I don't feel that bad, that someone need to feed me."
"Make Ahhh (y/n)!"
"You seriousl- Ahhh it's hot!" He just put the god damn hot spoon of soup in my mouth!
Why didn't he let cool down the soup, that hurts.
"Oh it's still hot? I thought it cooled down a bit to the way here. Sorry~"
I can't see if he's serious or joking, this is the only thing that annoys me on him. He's too good at acting and fake stuff!
"Huuh don't look at me like this, I'm really sorry (y/n)!"
He's just too adorable to be mad at... and he even visit me just to give me that soup.
"Okay okay another try! Make Ahhh (Y/n)-chaaan"
He'll don't stop huh.
"Ahhh" This is so embarrassing, I'm probably red like a tomtato right now.
"Mhhm it taste nice!" Kaede is good at making those.
"Hee- you think sooo~ than have another spoon"
He's acting suspicous again.. but I'm hungry.
"Uhm Ouma, I think I can really eat on my o-mhhm" He's not stopping to feed me! Isn't it at least a little bit embarrassing to him too? Does he even know this feeling...Ouma is always so.. carefree about everything.
"Huh (y/n) chan's so red, don't say you have a fever too~"
"Eh- no no I'm fine, don't worry!"
"Naaw the fever already attacked your brain (y/n)-chaan, I should keep you warm and safe right!"
"It's fine believe me-ugh" Did Ouma just let himself fall half ontop of me!?
"You know, it's not really helping when someone falls half on the sick person" He's so close..
"But I need to keep you warm and safe right, and here is the best position for that~!" He's doing that on purpose isn't he! He found somehow out about the crush and is teasing me with it now when I'm too sick to do something against it!
Now he's even cuddling- this feels even better than I imagine..
"Ouma you should probably stop, what if you catch the cold too. I mean right now your face is almost against mine-"
"And you like it right~ I mean I like it, so I don't stop" Is he serious, this should make me pretty happy right now but it's Ouma, so there is a 50/50 chance he's faking everything!
"I heard that sleeping is the best medicine, so let's sleep okay (y/n) chan~?" He didn't stop grinning since he's here...
"So you're feeling soon nice again and you can see my prank~ You're always laughing about them I..like your laugh- hmm acutually it's more like, I like you~ Though your laugh is still nice nishishi"
W-what- he's kidding right. I mean he can't be serious it's just one of his lies or something but...he looks so convince about it.
"You're lying aren't you Ouma" Don't let him see that you're actually dissapoint! He will use it against you and tease you!
"Huh- why should I lie to you~ It's the truth, and now sleep a bit okay, actually I'm kinda tired too~" He didn't lie huh.. I'll just believe it for now, it's actually a nice feeling.
But hmm, I just realized that I'm seriously pretty tired, and still kinda hungry, I mean I get only two spoons soup..
I should maybe really rest a bit now..though Ouma's still here.
Naah it wouldn't hurt anybody right..and how it sounds like Ouma's already asleep, he's snoring like a champion. Still cute-
"I like you too" Wow I can't even make more than a mumbling..


"(Y/N) are you there?"
Huh is this Kaede...how long did I sleep, I should open the door- Ehh what the-
Ouma.. he's hugging me from behind, he probably changed positions in his sleep.
"(Y/N)?" Ah Kaede!
"Yeah I'm here Kaede"
And there the door goes again~
"I brang you some soup, I made earlier some but after I put the bowl on the table and brang something to the kitchen back, the bowl was gone so-
"Kaede-chaaan be quieeet, I'm so tired" Huh, Ouma's akwake too- Waaait, that must look weird right now...
"Ouma what are you doing here and- wait there is the bowl of soup I made-" Didn't Ouma said Kaede told him to give me the soup...
"Hey Ouma didn't you told me Kaede said to you to bring me the bowl..?"
"Huh- okaaay maybe I lied a little tiny bit to you (y/n) but just with this, I promise~"
"I'll just leave the soup here, leave the room and don't ask why Ouma is in your bed okay (y/n)"
Ehh- and there it come again the blush of embarrassment.
"You're so cute when you're blushing (y/n)-chaan~"
Okaay so first request done! I hope you like it, it was just like Idea Ideas I need Ideas! And yeaaah I didn't get any XD
So next one is Saihara x Reader~

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