❄Cold as Elsa❄

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A/N: I hope u enjoy this chapter. LOVE U❤bye!
Shout out toNicerechoi for being one of my best friends

Gabriella's pov

{After school}

School finnaly ended and I feel so relived and calm. Michelle had to leave early because something happend to her family. So I had to walk home myself.

I decided to take the alleyway and go home since it's a bit more faster

"What a day," I heard someone say behind me with a very iratated voice. I looked back to see who it was and my heart couldn't stop beating. You probably know who it was but if not, it was Lucca. But this Lucca looked different. He wasn't the same as he was this morning in class. He was sad as raindrops pouring over a grave. But he wasn't only sad but he also looked scared. Just the way he was looking around gave me chills down my back. He didn't see me so I quickly hid behind the bush beside me. "What the hell is going on?" I said in my head while shivering a bit."What is he doing?" I questioned myself again. I see him slowly pulling something out of his pocket but it's still hard to see.

"I know your there and I know you are following me. Show yourself!" He quickly changed from sad and iratated to mad and confident.

"Oh no. Don't tell me he knew I'm hiding here. Wait...But I live near here and he knows that! Oh gawd now he's gonna get mad at me if he knows it's me hiding. Ugggh I hate myself I should've just walked the normal way home so I could've ignored this," I kept repeating the same thought. I move my hand and slowly trying to get up until I hear another bush shaking. It's a girl! She has her blonde hair covering her face so I couldn't recognize her.

"I-I I'm sor-sorry," she said quietly while slowly breaking into tears.

"Heh," Lucca hesitated. "So it was Richelle Carter,who knew. To think from all people to find out it would be the little one, Richelle," Lucca chuckled. Wait! RICHELLE! That's Michelle's younger sister. How did I not recognize her voice. Wait why is she here? What did she do? What seacret does she know about him?

"I'M SORRY!" Richelle exclaimed. "I cou-couldn't let y-you get away...away from taking her! From kidnapping Cie-." Before she could finish her sentence a strange boy came behind her and covered her mouth. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Mph... yuf gid-." Before I knew it she passed out. The unknown boy carried Richelle inside a black bag and slowly went and left. But Lucca took his time leaving. Suddenly he stoped and turned around facing the bush I'm hiding in. SHIT!

"You can get out of the bush now Gabriella. I'm not stupid. I know your there," This Lucca is different. He was more cold. With his coldness, he could be another Elsa and freeze everything and everyone. I carefully got up petrified. This isn't the Lucca I knew. He's not the Lucca I had a crush on for 2 years.

"I know you saw and heard everything," I was speachless so all I did was nod. To think this was the real him. Kidnapping innocent girls. "BUT IF YOU SPEAK ABOUT WHAT JUST HAPPEND RIGHT NOW. I swear you WILL feel sorry," He said with a cold and heartless voice. One that I have never heard of. Then he just walked away and dispeared as if nothing happend.

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