Chapter 6:Did you do it?ಠ_ಠ

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Gabriella's pov

NO! I can't let this continue. After what he did to  Michelle's younger sister, Richelle. I can't let him do this. I pushed him away from my body. "I said no kissing!" I yelled like all possessed. "This 'relationship' isn't real? We don't have feelings for each other and we never will," I hissed.

Then Lucca started pouting. "Ouch! This relationship does have feelings in it. I know you like me. I'm sure it's been a year so far," He said then went back to kissing me. He knew I liked him!? He knew this whole time. Did he feel the same? He's kissing me right now but what if it's just for show? What if his friends are here looking?

After a minute he finally stopped then took my hand and started walking me home. The only thoughts repeating in my head was "Does he like me?" It was a moment where you're sure they like you but your proof isn't reliable...if you know what I mean. 

When I got home I see my t.v is on. "Did mom forget to turn it off," I thought as I'm looking for the remote.

"BREAKING NEWS," I stopped searching and started staring at the t.v. 

"Good afternoon Toronto! Somehow one of the prisoners got out of his cell and is now out of track. Nobody knows where he is. The police suspect it was a group of high schoolers that snuck in and got them out. Heh. They seem to be professionals to get past the officers. The prisoner's name is Matt Damon-," I paused the t.v trying to process everything that the reporter was saying.

High schoolers? The thought of high schoolers getting a prisoner out kind of reminded me about Lucca and his 'group.'... WAIT! What if he was the one who did this... Jeez. If it was Lucca then...I'm dating a criminal. If it was him then I might get suspected and might even go to juvie. But then it is just a theory, Who knows if it even is Lucca or his friends. Maybe it's other high schoolers. But just in case I'll ask him tomorrow. 


Lucca's pov

"DING DONG," went the doorbell on Gabriella's house. 

"Oh hey, Lucca!" She said after opening the door. She stepped out the house and locked the door. We turned around and started walking to school. While we're walking I can see she wants to say something but she keeps on hesitating. "What happened Gabi? You look like you want to say something," I said breaking the silence. She took a deep breath.

"Yesterday after you dropped me off home I saw00 the t.v is on and It was on the news channel. The reporter said that a group of high school kids went past the police and got a prisoner out of jail," Before finishing she started to get teary. "W-Was it your friends and you that broke Matt Damon out from prison?" She asked wiping her tears off her face. What should I say? I could say no and then rub it off or I could say yes because then she would have to stay close to me to make sure nobody knows about what my friends and I did.  She's going to have to stay near me 24/7 to protect me and herself or else we both would be going to juvie. Heh! Saying "yes" is a better choice ≧◡≦. 

"...Y-Yes. It was me and my friends that broke Matt Damon out of jail but I came at the end of the mission! I wasn't with them at the beginning because I was dropping you off home. The only thing I did was picking them up from the police station," I said calmly. Gabriella nodded and we both started to walk to school without talking. It was really awkward and I wanted to talk but every time I would start a conversation she was as quiet as skies. 

Gabriella's pov

  "Yes. It was me and my friends that broke Matt Damon out of jail," I can't believe his words! He was saying it as if it was insignificant. As if it was just something that could just be rubbed off your shoulder and it would be gone. The way he said it changed my perspective. From what he said I don't really think it was him and his friends that broke Matt Damon out. I just kept it as a theory because I really don't have any proof that it was or wasn't Lucca.

--time skip--

The day went the same as always. Kids screaming out ship names for me and Lucca, Same old classes, and Michelle still researching about where Richelle went, And I really do feel bad for them both. I'm walking towards Lucca's since he has his own house. Today will be the day I know where the hell Lucca's hideout is. Thankfully I was able to get his keys out from his pocket during math class so I didn't have to break in. I have 3 hours till he comes. Finally, when I got in I ran upstairs to Lucca's room. It was huge! Couple minutes went by with me just looking around his room. The last thing I found was a school binder which I had this weird feeling it may have the info I was looking for. I carefully looked through each word and page but still nothing. When I got towards the end a piece of line paper fell out. TOP SECRET was written boldly to make sure it caught the eye.

"Could you not have been more obvious?" I said smirking. I unfolded the paper and saw point form sentences line after line saying;

First word writing down to Gabi for me being her bf

Second letter, Second note   2___

The First word I said to __?__ in the Richelle situation.

The last letter on what Gabi said to me after  😘  --> G

The first letter of the last person I took in.

"Wait, what?" I remember these...well most of these situations but how the hell do you think I'm gonna remember the exact letter and words? I slowly glance at the clock to see what time it is, 4:00. He could be here any moment I have to get out fast. Just when I open the Door slowly I see him standing right out the door. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?

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