damn it

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Recap: I slowly glance at the clock to see what time it is, 4:00. He could be here any moment I have to get out fast. Just when I open the Door slowly I see him standing right out the door. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?


"Hey. She's still there right? Kept safe?" says Lucca while on the phone and turned away from the door. Slowly I shut the door and lock it. He doesn't have his keys remember, I took it to get into the house. I run around the house looking for something to block the door just in case he has a way to enter the house. I found something! It was a heavy metal board thingy...

After I put it up in front of the door i grab the riddle paper that I found and then took a rope I found inside Lucca's closet. I throw it out his window and wrap the rope around the window handle. BANG BANG! Is all I can hear front the door.

"WHO'S IN THERE!?" He yells. I wrap and tie the rope onto my waist and jump.

"Woah! This thing actually works?" I whispered to my self. I'm really shocked by this idea. I untie the rope and run. I kept running straight all the way into a dark alley.

It's sunset already?

I stop running for awhile trying to catch my breath until a hand pulls my hair back. "OWW!!" I try looking back to see who it was but it just hurt my neck more. "Let go of me!" I kept screaming. All of a sudden he stops pulling my hair, I thought that was it so I tried making a run for it! Little did I know the stranger pulled my pants down making me trip. It was pitch black outside all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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