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~It was early morning of April 21st; my seventeenth birthday. The one disappointment was that I had to be at college by 9.30 am, but I was only in for the first two periods anyway. I carefully crawled out of bed, slipping on my slippers as I did.

I wondered downstairs just as my parents had instructed me to do the morning before. As I walked in the living room, everything had been set out beautifully. So aesthetically pleasing.

There were two balloons in front of the fire; a number one and a number seven, both in silver. There were presents wrapped in glittery silver wrapping paper in front of them, and an envelope that read open last.

I sat in front of my presents, my parents and two siblings walking in with the cake. I was majorly obsessed with Denmark as that's where my friend is from and that's where my boyfriend lives. Yes, I have a long distance relationship. Anyway, I'll get into that later.

My favourite band, Lukas Graham, were also from Denmark. As instructed, all four of them had learnt the Danish birthday song and were singing it to me. I screamed, my face beginning to turn red.

I quickly blew out the candles, giving everyone a hug. I sat back down in front of my presents, waiting for my mum and dad to tell me that I could open them. That's when I got a phone call for my Danish best friend; Gigi Dorte Hedegaard.

            I quickly answered the call, pressing my phone to my ear. "Tillykke med fødselsdagen!" she shouted through the phone. It obviously means happy birthday in Danish. "My best friend in finally seventeen. I'll see you at school later."

            Now the thing about Gigi is that her mum is English, hence why she speaks English so well. Having lived in Denmark for the first six years of her life, Danish was obviously her first language, but only just before English. She can speak both languages fluently. Of course, with a cute ass Danish accent.

            I smiled slightly. "Thank you lovely," I whispered. "I'll see you at school. Don't be bloody late, okay? I want to open my present before I go into performing arts."

            I could hear Gigi laughing through the other line. "Of course," she whispered. "Have a good morning. I love you, bye."

            I smiled once again. "I love you too," I replied. "See you soon."

I quickly put my phone down, looking at my parents. They were sat down on the sofa along with Max (19) and India (14). I began opening the few presents that I had. The majority of it was makeup and a few new clothes.

That's when my mum looked over at me and gave me a smile. "Texas," she told me. "You can open the envelope now."

I quickly grabbed the envelope, slowly opening it up. Inside was a big piece of paper and a train ticket. As soon as I read it all, I began screaming, tears of joy running down my face. My dad smiled. "Gigi and Aimee will be going with you too," he told me, as he looked over at my mum. "And you'll be meeting Theis and his friend there too."

I completely lit up. "Oh my god!" I screamed. "Thank you so much. This is the best birthday ever!"

I'm going to Paris! Not until the end of July, but still, I'm going to Paris. I couldn't wait. It was going to be amazing. I quickly checked the time on my phone, realising that I only had 45 minutes to get ready before Gigi and her dad were coming to pick me up.

For the lift I get with them every morning, I had to learn simple Danish because Gigi's dad can't speak English. So phrases like hej, hej hej and tak pretty much my use of language every day.

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