chapter six

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Sara's point of view:

Nikki come on you can't be mad at me I said following my sister into the lair I can't be mad your a freaking criminal yelled Nicole making me jump you've known that I said you promised me you would stop said Nicole no I didn't promise you anything I said you can't keep stealing said Nicole I'm sorry it's kind of in my blood I said despite having the bloodlust I saw a small part of the Nikki I knew come back your so much more than a criminal but now get ready for some serious training said Nikki oh boy I thought

Laurel's View:

After getting over, who was at my door, I asked;

Laurel: Nicole, what are you doing here?

Nicole: I know who killed me.

Laurel (paniced): You do?

Nicole: Yes, and I know what you and Sara did to bring me back.

Laurel: Who do you think killed you.

Nicole: Your boyfriened Roy.

Laurel: Are you kidding me.

Nicole: No, and I have the prove that he did, and if he doesn't confess to killing me, then I will have no choice but to turn him into the police.

Laurel: No, you won't turn him into the police.

Nicole: Why not. He did after all kill your sister. Don't you think then that he should go to prison.

Laurel: He would if he was the one that killed you.

Nicole: What do you mean.

this was going to be hard, because, I was going to half to tell my own sister, that her own sister was the one that killed her. this was not going to be good for me.

Laurel: Nicole, it was me that killed you, not Roy. I was under the influence of a drug, and I had no control over myself, and I stabbed you with three arrows.

Nicole: I thought that was Roy, because of his bow and arrow skills.

Laurel: No, when everyone was being busy being against me being the Red Canary, I had Roy be one of my trainers, and he just happen to train me with a bow and arrow.

I was waiting for her to flip on me. But, all I got was nothing from her. I was begging for her to give me any sort of response, but she didn't. And eventually she just left. I had no clue what had just happened.

nicole's point of view:

I had to tell my dad that i was alive to get the information that i needed so i walked down to the precint but sara stopped me...

Nicole: What in the hell do you think your doing?

Sara: Joining you after all your not the only one that has a secret.

Nicole: Do you think thats wise?

Sara: He needs to know i think that he can handle it now that he is no longer a drunk.

Nicole: Ok but you go first and then you tell him that you have a surprise for him.

Sara: Sounds good

We both went to go and see dad I have no idea what their conversation was about but it was tear dripping. I cant do this, i cant maybe its just best if i left it as it is, what am i saying he has the right to know the truth, ok here it goes.......

Sara's point of view:

I let out a sigh as we stood in front of the door that led into the house that me and Nikki had been raised in.

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