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It was dark, all darkness. Nothing was in front of me, beside me, or behind me. I was floating in an absolutely blank space. It was peaceful. I didn't have any worries. I didn't even know who I was.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I bolted upright, "What? What is it?" I said loudly. I looked over at Sam.

"I made breakfast." He said through a yawn. I jumped out of bed, only stopping to shiver because of the cold air.

I followed Sam out to the kitchen, where we both sat down. I dug into the fresh, steaming eggs. Sam did as well, he made a thrilled sound as he ate.

"Wow, it's been awhile since I've had eggs." He said, his voice deep from sleeping. I shivered in delight, which I quickly contained.

Sam quickly finished eating and stood. "Are you done?" He asked me.

I looked down at my empty plate and tried to contain my disappointment. "Yeah, I guess." I responded.

He grabbed my plate and walked over to the sink. He turned on the water and started washing the dishes. I stood up, and my chair fell down behind me.

"Oh shit. Dammit. Sorry."

He looked back at me and chuckled. As he turned one of the plates turned in his hands and sprayed water all over him. Sam groaned and looked down at his shirt. He sighed and slipped it off.

I gulped and pointed towards my room. "I'm just gonna.." I scrambled away.

I opened the door to my room and walked in with a sigh. My eyes instantly went to the gun I had left on the dresser. I picked it up and studied it, tracing every line and dent with my eyes. I turned it over and over in my hands. I thought about how easy it would be to put it in my mouth and pull the trigger.

I thought for another moment and then cocked the gun. I lifted it and placed it delicately in my mouth. Like I would Sam's dick.

I closed my eyes, my finger on the trigger. A simple flex and I would be gone.

"Dean!" Sam yelled, "Have you seen the painkillers?" I groaned and pulled the gun out of my mouth.

"What?" I yelled back.

"The painkillers! Where are they?" He yelled.

"I can't hear you! What?"

"God dammit, Dean! Where are the painkillers?"

"I have no idea!"

"Fabulous!" Sam yelled. After a moment of silence he yelled again. "Will you just come help me?"

"Fine!" I yelled, stomping into the kitchen.

Sam turned around and saw me, and his face fell. "Why are you holding a gun?" He asked.

I hadn't realized I was still holding it, but when I looked at my hand it was still there. My eyes dropped to the floor.

"Oh, uh," I laughed nervously. "No reason."

Sam squinted his eyes at me. "Fine.." he said after a moment's thought. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Now help me change this bandage." Sam said.

I coughed. "What?"

"This bandage. The one on my chest." He said, pointing.

"Oh, alright." I said, grabbing the nearest first aid kit and then returning to the kitchen.

Sam was sitting in a chair, waiting. I walked over and started to pull off the bandage.

He hissed as the bandage pulled at his skin. "Not so slow." He said.

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