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The woman had been going around tapping on doors. No one grew the strength or courage to even peek from the window. The televisions and radios and every bit of media screamed the message of an asylum patient loose in the city. Everyone was required under lockdown... Of course a home of three men who lived off in the border of town had no media connection, and with what they did, was fuzzy and useless.

Earl, who was short with blue hair, sickly colored skin tinted almost yellow, was known to be the sluggard of the home. His portion of the rent was slacking... He never listened to the others and when he did only tried to weasel himself out of the situation.

Mel, a rather... Unorthodox speaker. He stood as about as tall as earl, yet held the most maturity within his tiny self. His option though... Was rather unwanted and ignorant. Even if not spoken to or with, he would sneak himself into conversation. Mel had black slicked back hair, he was rather pale... His appearance and constant nagging gave him the nickname of being "the crow" of the home.

And Leonard, or "Lenny" had long red hair, was very tall, and also very introvert. He always bit his tongue in arguments or social situations basically. This could be driven from the fact he was Schizophrenic. When he did speak, he claimed it wasn't him-but "Reggie" speaking for him.

Their home was slanted to an angle to where if you didn't see the interior of the structure, one would assume the house was on the verge of collapsing. A home deserted filled with three pariahs from society... A perfect prey... This though ticked in Natalie's mind. She giggled to herself. Yes a giggle sounds innocent... But not hers... Not-not at all... Her giggle made your heart feel claustrophobic and uneasy.

She skipped to the door smiling sweetly. She lightly tapped her gloved knuckles against the red, chipped paint door. Eventually Lenny opened the door slyly. He stared at her shaking. Only a squeak escaping his lips. "P-p-pardon m-ma'am... W-we were. W-we were-" "NOW EXCUSE ME MISS. WE WERE DINING. PLEASE COME BACK AFTER OUR APPETITES HAVE BEEN EXHUMED." Scoffed Mel.

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