Chapter Five

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I couldn’t move my body; he was crouching right on top of my bed, his greasy smile staying in place, his long dark hair tied back. I couldn’t help but glance over at where I had sprinkled salt across my bedroom window; it was a hopeless attempt to try preventing these things happening.

“Why hello there, sleepy-head.” I purred, leaning his head towards me. My hand instinctively tried to creep down to the underside of my bed; to the sword that lay dormant, laced with the solution of so many superstitions that it was bound to take down everything. The tears of angels, the venom of a vampire, made of pure silver. Alice had even helped me put some enchantments onto it, not that I was really sure if they worked, but it was worth a try.

“Uh-uh.” As soon as he noticed what I was doing his hand came at me in a flash. I gasped as his sharp nails broke through my skin easily; a deep cut forming from my ring finger down to past my wrist, instantly dripping uncontrollably with blood.

Ignoring the blaring pain now pulsing in my arm, as quickly as I could, I flipped my blankets on top of his head and jumped from my bed. I knew blankets were not going to stop him for longer than a second, but if I knew demons like I thought I did, there was one thing he would want more than to have me as his prey. The chase.

I didn’t have enough time to get the sword, but instead dived for the window, trying to yank it open, but it was stuck. My hands tightened there grip and tried harder and harder.

“Aww, c’mon princess, don’t be like that.” The alluring charm was clear in the incubuses voice, he was trying to play mind tricks on me, make me his obliging puppet. When I glanced around he was still sitting on my bed the blankets now off of him, watching me, fascinated and amused by my reaction, but still not moving towards me.

I yanked again and again, finally it flew open and I flung myself out of the window, landing into my front yard. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I bolted; running as fast as I could, as far as I could.

In all honesty I had no idea how long I’d last, I’d been chased all over town by vampires and werewolves alike, but usually I was armed and ready, I only had to run short distances, turn, attack, defend and then run again. Right now I was running with no end.

“Come now, princess, you won’t feel a thing.” The incubus called after me. My eyes scanned over my shoulder, he was walking after me, but of course, being an incubus his walk was very fast. He could so very easily catch me, but he wanted to play this out for a while; the smile on his face appeared to have sadistic intentions.

I would’ve called Alice, but my phone was still sitting on my bedside table at home, and I doubted the incubus would keep me alive if I were to call backup. So instead my feet pounded harder against the ground, forcing myself to flee faster.

Someone shiny in the yard in front of me caught my eye, as I reached it I saw it was the handlebars of a bike that someone had left in the yard. I ran in, grabbed it, hopped on and peddled like there was no tomorrow, obviously fate was partially on my side.

The incubus seemed surprised, but not deterred by the appearance of the bike, he knew he could still keep up with ease, it was only to give my legs an easier ride so I could last longer. Thoughts were flooding through my head, wondering where Alice lived; I’m sure it was a couple towns out so I had no hope of making it there, then I wondered if I’d have enough time to circle a few blocks and go back for my sword, but I didn’t have much faith in that plan either. So instead I just kept pedaling, hoping for a miracle.

“Think Zoe, think.” I muttered to myself.

So I just kept biking. Houses passed like blurs to the side of me, I could’ve stopped, banged on the doors, demand to be let in and call the police, but that would result in a whole lot of people dead for no reason. Police couldn’t handle vampires, hell; they didn’t even know they existed.

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